Well then I hope she never became a therapist. Ok so yes everyone is responsible for their actions. For example: a father abuses his son. His son can then choose to get help or he can choose to not get help and abuse his own children. Make sense?
He can choose to NOT be like his father, AND he can choose to be like CHRIST.
Christian Counselors will counsel from the BIBLE and NOT so much from the worldly Psychology Books that teach lies like you can blame your parents for the wrong doings that you commit. I repeat, "IT IS NOT MY FAULT THAT I SIN, IT IS MY PARENTS FAULT."; is a worldly lie that is not biblical.
Romans 12:2 (ESV)
2 [/SUP] Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
1 Peter 1:13-16 (HCSB)
13 [/SUP] Therefore, with your minds ready for action, be serious and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
14 [/SUP] As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires of your former ignorance.
15 [/SUP] But as the One who called you is holy, you also are to be holy in all your conduct;
16 [/SUP] for it is written, Be holy, because I am holy.
My opinion most of those meds, make you dependent on Psychotherapy, which leaves you NOT believing and trusting in what the Word of GOD says, and NOT trusting in JESUS and the Holy Spirit to enable you to WALK in a manor that is Pleasing to GOD.
I NEVER took meds to help me with my ADD, I trusted in JESUS, and HE was faithful. I know in Edgar's and everyone else's case, that is a Medical Doctor's CALL. What I am saying is please try to find a CHRISTIAN Medical Doctor. Most Psychotherapists are NOT CHRISTIANS. My wife for a long period of time was severely addicted to prescription meds, and I saw her delivered from that addiction in answer to PRAYER, with NO WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS. I tried to explain that to her pill pushing Medical Doctor, and he YELLED AT ME, "I know how many pills she was taking, if you believe that, you are either a fool or a liar!" I figured out real quick that He was not a Christian.
He ordered her to go to a non-Christian Inpatient Rehab Facility. That was before she went back to College to get a Social Worker Degree. She complained that they were making fun of her religious beliefs on a daily basis, and when they called me in for a group session, they viciously attacked our Christian Beliefs. Suddenly the VOICE OF GOD BOOMED IN MY HEAD, and HE said only ONE WORD,
"WALK!" I came out of that chair like it had been electrified. Standing straight up, I looked to the right, and my wife was standing too. I asked, "Are you ready?"; and she said, "YES!" We went to her room and threw everything of her's hurriedly into her suitcase. AND out the door we went. Sure enough my jeep had a flat tire, and I set a record time changing it. As I tightened the last two lugs, I looked up at her and asked, "Did you hear anything in that room just before we left. She said,
"Just one word, WALK!" I said "That's it, we are out of here.
We left, never to trust in the so-called wisdom of men again, called Psychology. That was about two years into our Marriage, and now come July 7th we will have been married 36 years, totally trusting in the LORD.