I'm a very open person about my faith and am always eager to share my testimony to others. The other day one of my friends at work was questioning me about my faith and raised the question "how do you know God is real?" I told him that I just know its a feeling that I have and it's in the way that I wouldn't have gotten through so many things if it wasn't for God. He replied saying "so your proof is nothing more than the way you feel?" I'm a big fan of the movie God's not Dead so I encouraged him to watch it and gave him some examples. He's still not convinced. Me and this guy are really good friends and I want to see him in Heaven. But my mind goes blank every time he asks for proof. I guess I was just wondering if anyone else has difficulties with this, or has any ideas on how I could explain it to him?
According to the strict definition of the word
prove, you can't. But you can
prove in the sense that there's an abundance of evidence that a creator exists.
I have faith that Jesus is the Son of God. My faith is based on evidence.
Here's an itty bitty miniscule tiny speck of evidence regarding the validity of the Bible. T
he existence of Jews. Their origin and history found in the Bible.
Here's another. Archeology. Do some online searching for
the Bible and Archeology.
I could list much more. Never ending list. But why the Bible? If you can show your friend that the claims of the Bible are supported by evidence, you also prove God exists.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1.
You might find this is helpful:
I can't prove God exists. But as I look around, I see existence. I see the stars and moon of the night. I see waves and tides. Birds. Seeds planted. Flowers blooming. I see. My eyes allow for that. My eyes. They focus ever so quickly. Etc. How did existence happen? From where? Just appeared?
That's it. Take your friend to see a baby born. Oh, just go to a farm. Keep it clean.
A person is a dingo who sees a birth and fails to be impressed with the origin of that birth and the development stages during the pregnancy.
If God did not create all we see, hear, and know, then how in all of God's precious green earth did it all come into being?
Well who created God? If God was created, He's not God! Eternal God.
Ask your friend to prove that Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the U.S.
Ask your friend to explain Thought. Imagination. Hope. Love. What are they? How did they come into being?