Wow this is really sad seeing so many that love Jesus go back and forth like they are against each other. I swear each side here feels the same way basically it's just preexisting arguments and ideas about what the other side believes blinds you and causes a line in the sand to be draw. I also have to point out from and outsiders perspective the OSAS team comes off WAY more aggressive and more aggressive then the so called "works salvation side", who seem to use more scripture to back up there claims too BTW.
Here’s the main thing from my point of view, I really don't see anyone saying "you have to be without sin to stay saved", nor do I see the OSAS crew saying "once I make this promise I can sin as much asI want and still go to heaven". Yet that’s what I see y'all accusing each other of in thread after thread after thread, etc...
I know that this was how it worked for me, I went through a crazy traumatic event in my life that slowly over 2 years completely killed my pride all while I already thought Iwas a Christian. I made my little promise and was even dunked under water for good measure, but never knew Him. This event happened and over the course ofthe 2 years wanted nothing but death period. I had 2 boys and they keep me from taking myself out, but I still wanted to just die. I hit my knees one day andcried out, not for Jesus or God, or even help from them. I thought I had already “done that”, but I just said “I can’t do it anymore x3, World you win I lose and I quit”, that was it. Really what happen was that was when my pride died and when God saw I was ready for Him.
The next day I realized the suicidal thoughts that had plagued me every 5 seconds for the last 2 years strait were gone and I actually felt better. It took about a week before I realized what had taken place and that all this bible/Jesus stuff was literally true and that I was reborn. Since that day I have been completely different. I act different, I talk different, I see things different, I was made a whole new man from the inside out. Does either side disagree with that? Since then I have quit playing video games, quit looking at porn, taken the TV’s out of my house, started helping my wife more, playing and teaching my sons more and spending more time with them, do my job better with a better attitude, etc., etc., etc., and I don’t do any of this tokeep my salvation. As a matter of fact I don’t do it at all, the Holy Spirit inside me has lead me to all these changes. Does either side disagree with this?
Do I still catch myself sinning now? Yes I do, but it’s not like it was before, if I do say get angry while driving I realize that rightaway and WANT to correct it, not to keep salvation but to try to honor mysavior. Is that me working for salvation? I also don’t feel that anything could ever take that from me. Is that OSAS? Can I go out right now get drunk, steal a car, and use it to run down an old enemy without fear? Nope, my fear of Godwould stop me from doing that. That’s how the spirit works in me and I don’t dothese “works” to keep my salvation, I do it in gratitude for it and feel that is what the “works crowd” is taking about for the most part. I also feel thatnothing can take that from me without having been completely deceived, is that me in the eternal security crowd?
I truly hate this argument so much because I see brothers on both sides and think this gang mentality is keeping us from being as loving to each other as we’re called to be. That’s just my “super long” opinion on the matter. Can’t we just question each other more lovingly and maybe even in pm’s if we think someone is really in danger? Just a thought, not that I’m any better, I know I’ve been in these discussions more than once myself. Anyway with all that said I love ALL of you and hope you all have a great and safe Memorial Day weekend.