Original Sin teaches that human beings are born in a state where they CANNOT obey God. Thus "sin we will and sin we must." This in turn redefines "grace" into being an "offset to inability."
Grace is not an offset to inability, grace is simply God's drawing upon the hearts of people when influencing them the way they ought to go, an influence given freely and with long suffering despite the rebellion of people.
When people view grace as an "inability offset" then "repentance" is redefined to be a mere "confession of sinfulness," a confession of inability. Thus people are deceived into a "wait upon God to change me" attitude. The Penal Substitution doctrine then provides the the "meanwhile cloak" for the ongoing state of manifest wickedness whilst people "wait on God" for they are a "work in progress."
All this is an ingenious and diabolical deception wrought by Satan and his ministers who appear as ministers of righteousness.
Seriously? Oh goodness
Original Sin teaches that human beings are born in a state where they CANNOT obey God. Thus "sin we will and sin we must." This in turn redefines "grace" into being an "offset to inability."
Grace is not an offset to inability, grace is simply God's drawing upon the hearts of people when influencing them the way they ought to go, an influence given freely and with long suffering despite the rebellion of people.
When people view grace as an "inability offset" then "repentance" is redefined to be a mere "confession of sinfulness," a confession of inability. Thus people are deceived into a "wait upon God to change me" attitude. The Penal Substitution doctrine then provides the the "meanwhile cloak" for the ongoing state of manifest wickedness whilst people "wait on God" for they are a "work in progress."
All this is an ingenious and diabolical deception wrought by Satan and his ministers who appear as ministers of righteousness.
Seriously? Oh goodness