Indeed. The fake moon rocks were petrified wood samples handed out unofficially by the astronauts on their global tour as personal mementos, nothing more.
Actual Apollo 11 Moon Rocks and Apollo 17 Goodwill Moon Rocks were officially given to various nations by the Nixon Administration. Tests were conducted on those, by the nations of the world, and they tested positive as lunar moon rocks.
Of course, various private con artists have sold forgeries on the open market and actual moon rocks have been stolen from museums over the decades. Some of the latter have been recovered.
Honestly, it's fairly easy for scientists to determine whether or not a rock is of lunar origin or not.
Washington University in St. Louis explains how here:
How Do We Know That It's a Rock from the Moon?
As the head geoscientist there explains:
"Any geoscientist (and there have been thousands from all over the world) who has studied lunar samples knows that anyone who thinks the Apollo lunar samples were created on Earth as part of government conspiracy doesn't know much about rocks. The Apollo samples are just too good.
They tell a self-consistent story with a complexly interwoven plot that's better than any story any conspirator could have conceived. I've studied lunar rocks and soils for 40+ years and I couldn't make even a poor imitation of a lunar breccia, lunar soil, or a mare basalt in the lab. And with all due respect to my clever colleagues in government labs, no one in "the Government" could do it either, even now that we know what lunar rocks are like.
Lunar samples show evidence of formation in an extremely dry environment with essentially no free oxygen and little gravity. Some have impact craters on the surface and many display evidence for a suite of unanticipated and complicated effects associated with large and small meteorite impacts.
Lunar rocks and soil contain gases (hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon) derived from the solar wind with isotope ratios different than Earth forms of the same gases. They contain crystal damage from cosmic rays. Lunar igneous rocks have crystallization ages, determined by techniques involving radioisotopes, that are older than any known Earth rocks. (Anyone who figures out how to fake that is worthy of a Nobel Prize.)
It was easier and cheaper to go to the Moon and bring back some rocks then it would have been to create all these fascinating features on Earth. [After writing these words I learned that virtually the same sentiments had already been expressed by some of my lunar sample colleagues. See here:
The Great Moon Hoax - NASA Science ]
But the potheads don't care. They just load up another bowl and smoke it down and it all makes "sense" to them once more...