well no matter what anyone thinks of the suggestion you make in your first paragraph and defend in most of the remainder of your post...this is -not- what the theistic evolutionists i mentioned are claiming...
and in response to your last paragraph...if jesus 'lacked understanding' and spoke from his lack of understanding...then he would have been lying or crazy when he said he only says what he hears from his father... there is just no way to legitimate the heretical notion that jesus was ignorant or mistaken about anything...
And perfect knowledge is not the same, imo, as being sinless in character and deed. One can grow in knowledge... if Jesus Himself grew in understanding (Luke 2:52), then are we to say that when He started His ministry, He ceased the need to learn anymore? Why pray to God all night, then? It would seem to me that His wisdom and knowledge was always growing, as ours. There would be no need to continue to communicate with God, if He innately knew everything. The night came that He was betrayed, and yet He still struggled, even ASKED to be removed from what He stated before (seemingly with great confidence) that He would do. So... He wavered in faith? He doubted? That's debatable. But what seems rather clear is that to say He was all knowing while in flesh, as He would be in Heaven, is a stretch. And when you say He wasn't all knowing, you open the possibility for there to be some things He did not know (perhaps they just aren't relevant to why He came? He used Genesis to make a point about frivolous divorce, not to help people understand something about Himself.)
I'm not trying to say one has to believe one way or the other. Just seems that with such perfect knowledge and prophetic vision strips Him of the humanity He came to wear.