You asked for an explanation and I gave you one. If you don't like it, I can't help you. I didn't say it had anything to do with understanding God's word, did I? Nope.
1. Sentences begin with capital letters.
2. Hole is not the same as whole.
3. It's "Revelation" not revelashon.
4. Puncutation matters.
5. It's dumb, not dum. The 'b' is silent.
6. Witch is a person, "which" is the word you were looking for.
And that is my momentary grammar police moment.
Every moment is a teachable moment, yes? Don't take these forums too seriously. There are ALWAYS going to be people that argue with you and disagree with you. There will ALWAYS be someone who says something to get your goat, kind of like my grammar moments there. And, yes, you will meet bullies on here. Why? Because we're human and we can become overly passionate when we can argue online. That's the way of life.