There is a balance.I support my husband and I know he can make good decisions but I want to be part of any big decision making that affects me. We talk things out together. My father is the type to run ahead and gets himself in trouble a lot of times.My mother is very wise and if he'd listen to her more often things would go well for him.I think men may be good at making decisions,but women are given wisdom and discernment. If both parts weren't needed God would have left Adam single and said "you got this". He didnt,he made women. Yes,some women may "castrate" their husbands as you say but if you have the right balance you'll have nothing to worry about. You know I use to travel and sing for a living,traveled in hundreds of churches and you know what I noticed? Women attending church along a lot of the time. Husbands want to be respected? You want to be the leader of the home? You do the work. You take your family to church each Sunday,not sit home and watch football or hockey. I know many churches have bought tvs so the men can watch the super bowl !!!!! Lead your family in prayer and read the Bible to them. Pray with your wife and listen to her before making big decisions. Make sure your bills are paid on time so your wife isnt stressed. Show your sons how to treat their future wives by the way your treat their mother. Like teaching them to do chores and pick up after themselves. Show your daughters how a future husband should treat them by being gentle with their mother,helping her when she is tired,treating her to a night out sometimes,and helping with the kids and homework. A lot of men want to lead from the arm of the sofa,it doesnt work that way men. Mom doesnt get to do it,neither should dad. Marriage is a partnership,smart people understand that and use it to their benefit.
I suppose we all have opinions based on our experiences. This is what I can conclude from my observations and experiences. God created men and women different. We think different, we act different, we learn differently, although we may do similar things the motives behind them are different. We view sex different, our body chemistry is different and our composition is different.
I agree that when men get something in their head they can be illogical sometimes but that is exactly what makes men, men. That is the beauty about being male. That is what causes men to scale mountains, build rocket ships, sail into the great unknown with little chance of success or survival. Testosterone is exactly what makes teenage males say, "I think if I run fast enough off of the garage roof, I can hit the pool." It's what gives generals the courage to take a few hundred men and take on an army. The guy who started Heinz failed numerous times as an entrepreneur before he swapped the fish broth in catzup for tomato product and birthed the condiment that sits in every fridge. Did his wife talk some "sense" into him? Of course she tried, then she left him, then she regretted it. How many times do you think Sara asked Abram, "Are you sure this is what God told you to do because I'm not feeling it?" Men are living life from the sofa because they are vicariously experiencing the taste of success through the ones who didn't listen to the doubters, those who bet on the long shot, who dug in and sucked it up. Men love action movies because it stirs the blood and pumps adrenaline into their veins before they go to bed , only to wake up and face another day of mediocrity. If you want your men to participate in your family life. First and foremost he has to feel like a man. Send him on a quest, not a trip to the grocery store. Tell him you want him to take up martial arts and give him the time to do it. No man feels like a man if he is afraid. Equipping him with the ability to kick the snot out out a group of guys if needed, is manly, at least to a man. Tell him to take up archery or target shooting. Men are getting weak and fat, do you know why? Its because that's how they see themselves mentally, weak. If a man's identity is strong and healthy, then he needs to fit the image of himself. If all of a sudden he looks in a mirror and sees a roll, he will say, "That's not supposed to be there," and he will fix it because that's not a part of him. I know this because I am a guy not completely satisfied with life. I had to take a job out of town and I had time for me. I started to work out and I liked it. I like the way it makes me look and I like the way it makes me feel. Now I'm 39 years old and ripped with muscle all over. I've never felt manlier, all of me feels manlier. I feel like taking on the world. In fact I just soon as done making dinner and cleaning the house because that's what men do. They do what has to be done and they don't cry about it. As I'm making spaghetti sauce and manly chili I'm going to listen to an audio Bible or a sermon because real men fear God, only God! Then when my wife comes home I just might rub her feet, not because I feel I have to for sex but because I like it when she feels good because we are a team, and I am the man of the house and she listens to me.