I wouldn't state it if it wasn't my view. I suppose you receive your words directly from God? You certainly try to make it sound as if you do. Funny how you get it all so wrong then
Well I'm not sure that Moses wrote it. He compiled Genesis from earlier records. But we can agree that he incorporated it in Genesis.
So you have a direct line to Moses? Why didn't you tell me? How can you possibly know what it meant to Moses? You are deceiving people again.
What you mean is that it means only one thing to you because your mind and understanding is not geared to recognising the problems. I don't suppose that it has struck you that a day is not made up of an evening and a morning? That would require mental thought. ESPECIALLY as we are clearly told that there was no evening on the first day in the sense of opening it. It began with total darkness. How could that be described as evening? So immediately we discover the description is fictitious. Whatever it was it was not evening and morning. There was no evening opening the first day. I didn't expect you too spot that, but I am sure wise old Moses would have. Why then did he speak of evening when there was none? One possible reason as that he was simply using a conventional envelope indicating opening and closing. More likely he saw evening as ENDING the 'day' which he was describing. The Hebrew word means the END OF THE DAY. He is saying 'the ending and the beginning was of the first period of light' (in Gen 1 'day' = period of light - verse 5).
So possibly Moses meant a different thing from what you thought?
What a thicky he must have been. His Egyptian education clearly did him no good. He talked about 'days' (periods of light) then said that their length was not determined until the fourth day, and did not see his inconsistency? One has to wonder about his IQ.
Of course another interpretation might be that he was quite intelligent, and did not see the creative days of God as being in mind in YOM 4.
Personally I rate him more highly than you and think that he did. With your esp of what he thought you must ask him LOL
Well Genesis 1 is so carefully planned and laid out that it is clear that he thought about things a great deal. So I am unable to agree with you. I think he actually THOUGHT about it (unlike you). He was not fixated with a 24 hour day theory. Indeed he did not know what a 24 hour day WAS.
That was on YOM 3. LOL The molehills became mountains. well done. you spotted that
