I still don't understand how faith and science are synomous and one in the same. What's the point in proving Genesis when what ultimately matters (the Ressurection) can in no way be proven by evidence?
Are there not plenty of tares in the Church who believe the precious, literal doctrine but have no real faith inside them, but instead dead men's bones? A confession of doctrine, even the Ressurection, is no certain indictor of faith. Anyone can recite anything. Why is the ultimate goal, it seems, to get someone to say "yes, this is inerrant and literal." Some people "confess" things just to get the other to shut up.
Let's say an unbeliever says "yeah the Earth is 6000 years old, the Flood happened, and all this." Then what? The Bible is reliable, they believe now." Yes, then they set foot in churches and learn all the other divions and controversies that are things that can't be proven one way or the other, and so THEY STILL are left with "what does this mean? How can I fit this in my faith? How does this not conflict with another verse? I don't understand. It doesn't sound logical." And here you have convinced them to give faith a chance because it is entirely reasonable - you convinced them to read the Bible because it can be supported by REASON and observable things.
I'm not saying don't talk about it. But I wouldn't be dogmatic about it, if you are more concerned with someone sincerely considering the Scriptures, rather than just being right. Because even if they submit, there will be another theological challenge right around the corner, and one far more tougher to answer - seeing how theologians annd philosophers have been seeking the answers for thousands of years to no concrete avail (they disagree).
You see, the journey is never-ending, yet some Christians argue as if they can present the right argument and seal a person's soul by convincing them to come to Christ. I do not believe the Holy Spirit works that way. Imo, He works through more than just the words of the NT. He was sent, according to the Gospel, to them before Paul even penned his letters.
If you are witnessing, in my opinion, it is best not to present the Scriptures as a book that can be completely "figured out." It can't.