The Apologetics Index on Wommack certainly exposes his false teachings. He has strayed far from Biblical Christianity.
I would not bother to spend the time and energy listening to some teacher who people here have posted enough links to know that he is a false teacher involved in a false cult - the Word of Faith.
I studied Kenyon and Copeland back in the 80s when my friend got involved in their ministries and she gave me the books. It freaked me out as a young Christian, especially her condemnation of me when I got sick with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Then she got breast cancer, refused treatment, claimed healing, appropriated healing, believed for her healing and died 10 momths later when the cancer metastasized.
My friend is all the real life "feeling" experiences I need to know as to why this cult is so wrong. And when people post links to these people, I see why the movement is a lie and deceiving people.
Wommack is a humanist, almost an atheist in his treatment of God as NOT being sovereign and humans being in control. I don't need context to see that his teaching is a doctrine of demons.