You are being personal. In post after post, you do NOT address what the responder who disagrees with you writes. You refer to your opinion on their character and biblical knowledge. In short, you sound pretty much like someone who has no actual objection, but is determined to remain lodged in their experience irregardless if the experience is not biblical, while actually trying to state that anyone who disagrees with you has no right to do so, because YOU, fancynancy, have not only discernment, but also the gift of discerning of spirits.
My experience is biblical.So, here we go with personal---yet again, ember?
There are no heresy hunters here...any more perceptual insults you can fling? Irregardless of what anyone says about Wommack, you are the one who has ratcheted up the defensive positions. There are others here defending his teaching, but they are discussing and presenting excerpts and some scripture.
Every thread opened with the name of a well-known Christian leader is a heresy hunter's dream thread. It's funny that those who are the core arguers against these teachers are claiming "defensive" position in more than one post just today.
There is no such word as "irregardless"
You, on the other hand, present false accusation such as this:
Nonsense.I asked a question and got an evasion.
Do you really want to sound like someone who just smart mouths there way through the forum? If not, you should try to be civil. You are not being civil.
I am always civil, but I do get my hackles up when people get prickly and abusive with me. Get that? I don't start it.
What YOU seem to have a hard time grasping, is that we are FOR truth...and what you believe is true, may just happen to suit you but you really cannot line up some things Wommack says with regards to the truth
I can grasp that just fine, but you seem to let it fly over your head that I am also all for the truth. See the problem? You've set up an "us or them" situation. Where is the room you leave for discussion? All I see is mockery and cat calls and silly back-and-forths between the core clique who share in these defamatory threads. I know of other sites who disallow such threads because of the fact that they are incredibly hot button topics and do no good.
You are not the last word here even though it appears you respect yourself in that capacity. For one thing, you are not respecting others; that is not a sign of someone who actually cares about others opinions, nor is it the sign of someone fit to lead or teach in any capacity.
There you go again, ember...being personally insulting and presumptuous. Not the mark of one who walks in peace.You don't know me, but you
THINK you do. Discerning is not your forte.
Taking people to task as if they were a naughty child is highly pretentious.
Now you are pulling the God card. If all else fails, say God told you. Actually God basically says nothing at all until we comprehend what He says in scripture. Therefore, I really dismiss what you dismiss all the passages in the NT that describe how a Christian should reply to those who don't see, we have a bunch of people here who don't care if you speak in tongues...and that really bothers me because I DO speak in tongues...but I don't want act like you or anyone who seems to think everyone else is beneath them and not deserving of a kind reply.
Aww too bad, there, ember.You are acting in a way that I wouldn't want to be caught doing by the Lord. Pompously and publically taking people to task and chiding them personally is a prideful way to behave. Have you never heard of private messaging, or even letting things go? I have, and I do it.
I know people just like you Nancy...those who think that someone who does not speak in tongues does not have the capacity for truth because only those who believe they are spirit filled understand anything.
I'll bet you do. You would be blessed by them if you gave them godly respect.I have many born again friends and acquaintances who have not experienced tongues and they are rich in truth. You are whistling in the dark.I do not have such an opinion of people who do not speak in tongues. Be careful about accusing people.
So it's ok to smart mouth and insult because someone else did so? Once again, you started it actually.
Not true, ember.
The wisdom is listening...Proverbs even says so. I have listened and sought God...probably more so then in other cases because of the personal side in my case
Well, if your walk is that personal, how is it that you cannot even be nominally circumspect and treat other BELIEVERS with dignity?
That's odd, ember. I remember being treated with indignity by a cliquey group of members here. It was a feeding frenzy. You don't have to spend more time here defending them. I gave back what I could without being completely shameless and unrestrained, and I did get a mod warning. I am not so sure about the others, though, and I have my doubts, but that's another subject, and it's really none of my business. What is my business is to provide the truth of a matter and to offer some food for thought concerning a topic that is based on an unreasonable or false premise to begin with. I did that. God can do with it what He may.
Many people claim to hear from God personally...including an entire race who did not recognize their own Messiah.
Every born again believer should be able to say that they hear from God personally, as He does speak to every one of us, even though many do not know His voice or if they do, they disregard it, to their own spiritual detriment. But the Lord has His timetable for people's lives and these arguers' lives are not over. The Lord does correct even the most die-hard rascals we can come across.
You were/are responding to me,. I never mentionned youtube so I don't care how often you trot that out. I did not go to youtube for my info as I have carefully explained several times now. Just give everyone but me a spanking and send them to bed with no supper.
We are all free agents here...responsible to God for our words and our actions. A person might be excused for forgetting Who we really answer to when reading this thread.
I am a free agent, also, but I am beholden to the Lord Jesus Christ for my behaviour, and not to you. So, thank you for this little tete a tete, and know that in Christ we are sisters, and we do differ, apparently, but I doubt it is as much as you might think, for I do believe you have had a bad impression of me due to the horror that are those heretic hunter threads. Give the world a few turns, as I will, and we shall see what becomes of this little altercation. Hopefully it will take a little flight to oblivion.
Forgive me and I also forgive you.
Blessings to you today in Jesus.
Some don't even know what's good.
Ah...another tart and refreshing response.
Glad you see it that way!