@ JackH
Well you didn’t respond when I sent this in private, so I guess I’ll ask it publically now because I am very curious about how you feel about the following things seeing as how you say you’re a Christian on your profile, but then again it says you’re 98 years old too. I understand how you feel about Dinosaurs, the flood, a young earth, carbon dating, peer reviewed science papers, and boy don’t we all by now. What I don’t know is ANYTHING else because that’s all you will talk about.
Do you believe in the virgin birth? That Mary had Jesus without knowing the touch of a man? To the best of my knowledge that hasn’t happened again nor had any peer reviewed papers written on it, so how do you feel about that one?
Do you believe that Jesus did the miracles written about in the bible, like walking on water, healing the sick and crippled, raising the dead, multiplying the loafs and fish, etc., etc…? Again there is no way to scientifically prove any of that. As a Christian, do you believe any of that took place? Where do you stand on these issues?
Now for the big one, do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was put in a tomb for 3 days, and was resurrected defeating sin and death and making a way to reconcile the sinner with God?
Do you truly believe these things? Some and not others? Or is this really just a game to you, and you’re just here to make fun of the dumb Christians? I am just really curious on your view of these things and what lead you to even want to be a Christian, because honestly from your comments it seems like you don’t even like us Christians very much. Please just be honest.