gay marriage

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we all know that recently gay marriages were legalize in usa, what are your opinions about this? are you against these?


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2012
Welcome to CC,
There's already been a number of posts on this.

Briefly my feeling is that no Government has the right to redefine marriage as laid out originally by God. You don't build a building by rebelling against the blueprint.

Then the man said, "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
(Gen 2:23-24)

Countries are continuing to destroy themselves by turning their back on Scripture.
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thanks on your reply, but what is your opinion when these gays says, that it is not their fault. That since birth they already have the heart of a woman. that whatever they do they cannot love a girl but only a guy like them. is it really possible that since birth they are already not straight?


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2012
thanks on your reply, but what is your opinion when these gays says, that it is not their fault. That since birth they already have the heart of a woman. that whatever they do they cannot love a girl but only a guy like them. is it really possible that since birth they are already not straight?
I thought you were asking about gay marriage as the title says. Now you are going to switch subjects?
Anyways, no one was stopping them from doing whatever gays do.
My objection is that they are taking an institution set up for a man and woman and changing it's definition so it reads two men or two women or two of anything in between.
I personally believe a person is not born gay, but that is besides gay marriage.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
(Rom 1:18-25)

For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
(Rom 1:26-28)
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Jul 18, 2015
we all know that recently gay marriages were legalize in usa, what are your opinions about this? are you against these?
I am for and against it.

I am for it because of those who are born homosexual and against it because I doubt there is enough evidence about what homosexual behaviour really is.


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2012
I am for and against it.

I am for it because of those who are born homosexual and against it because I doubt there is enough evidence about what homosexual behaviour really is.
With no regard what God's Word says about gay marriage?
Oh, you're a 'non christian'...nevermind.


I am for and against it.

I am for it because of those who are born homosexual and against it because I doubt there is enough evidence about what homosexual behaviour really is.

Really? Because science has found the homosexual gene already and can tell us that there is where it comes from? I can tell you why people have blue eyes or red hair because of genes, or just xx or xy chromosomes...because God designed it be as so. Homosexual acts are against God's word and the word is the book called Bible. God made a man and a woman, to have sex between them two within marriage. That is in Genesis 1:27 and in Leviticus 18:22 (among others I cannot think of). Then when it comes to sexual acts that occurred not between husband and a wife, no matter if it is heterosexual or homosexual (petting, oral, anal, intercouse, etc) it is disapproved by God. You can find that all human beings have the tendency to want to wrong God, but it does not mean that they should. Colossians 3:5 it tells us to not let the human body control the mind, and not to go ahead and desire sex that is wrong. I think evidence for homosexual behavior and acts has been written about for centuries, so what more evidence do you seek?


God has made it clear regarding His stance on this issue. The practice of this lifestyle is an abomination.

Thank Jesus, for He will restore the image of God within us if we so desire.

God Bless


it just so sad that the usa legalized the gay marriage. i think it will have a great bad effect around the world. kids and young people who are already homosexuals will not try their best to become straight. i think by hearing the news, at their young age they will already dream and fantasize that someday they will marry their same sex. they will not have a chance to try to change. so to parents it is already a very big challenge to change their homosexual children.


I am all for gay people having the same rights as everyone else. But I don't think of marriage as something we simply have a right too. Think of it as something that the church owns and came up with, specifically and exclusively, for a man and woman. Why take that from them??? It is like stealing a lolly pop, sucking it and giving it back to the owner just to rub it in their face... leave them alone, come up with your own thing, and let it be recognised from a government level as a similar union.
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it just so sad that the usa legalized the gay marriage. i think it will have a great bad effect around the world. kids and young people who are already homosexuals will not try their best to become straight. i think by hearing the news, at their young age they will already dream and fantasize that someday they will marry their same sex. they will not have a chance to try to change. so to parents it is already a very big challenge to change their homosexual children.
Yes it is very sad...and many of us here in the USA plan to use our rights as citizens to fight such insanity...I expect a huge landslide victory for the conservatives, in our next election...if and when that happens? Some of this nonsense can be turned back...although it will not be easy...But doing right is not always easy.


I agree with crossnotes first reply, however we may differ on my next opinion...
I am all for gay people having the same rights as everyone else. But I don't think of marriage as something we simply have a right too. Think of it as something that the church owns and came up with, specifically and exclusively, for a man and woman. Why take that from them??? It is like stealing a lolly pop, sucking it and giving it back to the owner just to rub it in their face... leave them alone, come up with your own thing, and let it be recognised from a government level as a similar union.
One question...why does ones sexual perversion have to be respected as some civil right...these folks already have every right as any man or woman they just don't get to change the rules to satisfy their deviant behavior.


One question...why does ones sexual perversion have to be respected as some civil right...these folks already have every right as any man or woman they just don't get to change the rules to satisfy their deviant behavior.
I would not tarnish them all with the same brush... If they are born like that (and I believe they are) let them proclaim their love for one another in a sanction that they create for themselves. Unions between man and woman are done differently all around the world and are not done for the same reason that the church does it.. We call it marriage and do it the way the church ordained it. Let them call it whatever and do it in a way that is not ordained by the church.
Talking as if it is a sexual perversion isn't fair. Saying that though some, or many are as much as we all can be, gay or not


i agree with Mitspa..


I would not tarnish them all with the same brush... If they are born like that (and I believe they are) let them proclaim their love for one another in a sanction that they create for themselves. Unions between man and woman are done differently all around the world and are not done for the same reason that the church does it.. We call it marriage and do it the way the church ordained it. Let them call it whatever and do it in a way that is not ordained by the church.
Talking as if it is a sexual perversion isn't fair. Saying that though some, or many are as much as we all can be, gay or not
Well if you believe they was born that way...that's your we now accept all deviant behavior because someone claims they was born that way? I was born a sinner..does that mean I can freely commit sin and expect others to approve it.

And let me ask about this "gay" it next to the pedophile gene? They was born that way too...right?
Aug 15, 2009
thanks on your reply, but what is your opinion when these gays says, that it is not their fault. That since birth they already have the heart of a woman. that whatever they do they cannot love a girl but only a guy like them. is it really possible that since birth they are already not straight?
I believe some of it isn't their fault. Now , before everyone picks up their rocks to stone me, hear me out.

Years ago the homosexual community was very small, and the majority of them were closet gays. But notice today how homosexuality is increasing at a phenomenal rate. Trust me when I say this..... I believe the shadows govt isn't just promoting this..... they're creating it.

Our govt has been guilty of all types of biological atrocities since when, the 40's? Brainwashing, infecting certain cultures with sicknesses, & so forth. Since one of the goals of the NWO is population reduction, what better way to do it?

As far as technology goes, the US govt is over 25 years ahead of the public sector..... that's frightening, considering, who's in charge.

He who has power to do evil is doing it behind closed doors because they've trained the public to have closed minds.

We need to understand that being "born in sin" isn't just a cultural issue anymore.... it's biological also. That said, however, doesn't make it any less a sin. Those born into it have an uphill battle when they accept Christ. But "WHERE SIN ABOUNDS, GRACE DOTH MUCH MORE ABOUND!" And I think it's high time christians show abounding grace where sin is concentrated. We went into the bars passing out tracts to alcoholics, why can't we do the same with the homosexuals?
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Well if you believe they was born that way...that's your we now accept all deviant behavior because someone claims they was born that way? I was born a sinner..does that mean I can freely commit sin and expect others to approve it.

And let me ask about this "gay" it next to the pedophile gene? They was bone that way too...right?
Very good question, hard one to answer... Sin? We as a sinful human are probably to blame. Changing government legislation isn't the answer.
Why are people born with turret syndrome or autism or any mental disability. Was it so God can show his miraculous power? The world needs to see more of this like Jesus did.
When this happens, sure claim your righteous stance.


if it's possible that some homesexual people are born that way, is it really impossible for them to change? to be straight? when i was in highschool i got infatuated with a lesbian, she's kind and sweet, we were a couple for like 3 weeks i guess, but deep in my heart i know its wrong, so i tried to avoid her, i even cried hard when we separate, but i know that i made the right decision. And now i'm married with a man, we have 2yrs old daughter and is blessed again by the Lord, since i am 3 months pregnant now. so i think if you really stand in your beliefs and committed to it, you can change..
Aug 15, 2009
Teach a people "if it feels good, do it", while messing with their DNA, is a cocktail for massive sinful behavior. The world has the power to make people sin now, not just promote it. The liberal church accepts such behavior..... it fits perfectly with NWO agenda.

Wake up church..... Satan has more tools in his arsenal now.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2012
Defending homosexuality is a rationalization process by which people attempt to normalize deviant choices that cannot be justified through any psychological exercise. This is simply an attempt to placate a conscience that cannot harmonize the thing one desires and the moral limitations that prohibit the behavior. Homosexuality is not a biological issue, it is a sin issue. It is not socially acceptable behavior, it is a social and moral disgrace. Homosexuality is not an illness nor is it some type of genetic abnormality and is certainly not engineered biologically at birth. Homosexuals are NOT born gay. This is nothing more than an attempt to appeal to the scientific community and call them as a witness against the defense of scripture to defend this perverted behavior. Homosexuality is a learned behavior and a matter of choice, not a predilection. There is no "pride" in it, nor should it be afforded any measure of dignity. Homosexuality is SIN and in the end it will destroy all who engage in it or stand in its defense. Attempting to explain it away scientifically is simply an attempt to excuse the behavior and marginalize it's shame.