I'm not defending it, but to say ALL homosexuals choose to be gay- whether it's through a social factor or not- is incorrect. I don't think EVERY SINGLE gay chooses to be ostracized from society. If you look at people such as alcoholics and food addicts, God created those people. The Bible talks about how wrong it is for those not to eat and drink in moderation, too. There are ways for alcoholics and food addicts to not delve into their addictions. So why should homosexuality be any different? Stuff happens during pregnancies. I think there are a few gays that yes, are born that way. Now does that mean they should act upon their feelings? Of course not. They're to turn to God and ask Him to deliver them through this, just like an alcoholic or a food addict is supposed to do. Homosexuals aren't different than any of us. We're to love them and encourage them to seek Christ.