It seems there are a few people here who do not have an understanding of depression. I work with the mentally ill, and you have no idea how hard they work to try and be stable, work at jobs and care for their families. BUT, sometimes, in spite of the meds, and support these people contemplate suicide to end the incredible suffering and mental pain they are in.
I say contemplate, because most just keep on pushing through the pain. But sometimes, the pain becomes unbearable and they go beyond just thinking about it, and they get a plan. From there, they sometimes execute the plan, with some surviving and many dying.
As Christians, we need to be aware of people's moods, so they don't have to constantly "fake" being normal and happy. We need to reach out to them with love and share the grace and mercy of God. There are also many who are Christians and truly believe and follow Jesus, but their brains are lacking the neurotransmitters to properly evalute their situation. Those are the people we need to make the extra effort to help.
If someone speaks of "plan" it is code language for preparing to kill themselves. This is the perfect point to intervene. That may mean telling their family or doctor, or even calling 911 and getting them committed.
Every person who commits suicide means we as Christians have not been ministering the gospel, and helping the hurting. As for the Bible, I found this verse below about 13 years ago when I was on the verge of suicide due to the pain of both Rheumatoid Arthritis and depression. God renewed my heart and restored my soul, so although I still suffer terrible physical pain, I have learned to trust in the goodness and sovereignty of God, and not to worry about this body, but my hope is in my resurrected body, which has been promised in Scripture.
"5 Why am I so depressed?
Why this turmoil within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him,
my Savior and my God." Psalm 42:5
Instead of judging and condemning those who are depressed, help them to put their hope and trust in God, and get them the professional help they need.