I don't particularly have a dog in this hunt, but it bugs me when I see someone arrogantly misuse the Greek. Miss ember's "harping and whining" is 100% correct. χαρίσματα is an AccusativePlural Neuter noun. And I can find the plural use of χάρισμα\charisma 6x in the NT and all without the infinitive. The 22 versions you disagree with are right and you are wrong.
Furthermore, χαρίσματα in 11:29 most likely refers to more than strictly salvation. In Romans 9:4, 5 Paul lists what belongs to Israel; given to them by God,
[SUP]4 [/SUP]who are Israelites, to whom belongs the adoption as sons, and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Law and the temple service and the promises, [SUP]5 [/SUP]whose are the fathers, and from whom is the Christ according to the flesh, who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen.
Gifts in 11:29 likely refers to gifts given to Israel and to the church.
At any rate I'd humbly suggest you practice what you preach when discussing Scripture with others.
huh. whadayuhknow. someone beat me to it. well good then. maybe we should all dismount our high horses before someone gets hurt...I know, I have fallen off more then one horse...(real horse) and the funny thing is, when you ride, most people who are inexperienced, tend to look AT the horses' neck, ears or ground. And, that is just where you fall because you are not paying attention to where the horse is going but instead where he is and do not see what is coming up
If you watch jumping, you will notice the rider will look where he/she and their mount are headed. Coming down off a fence, the rider anticipates the next jump and so on...he/she is directing the horse.
This conversation (she said with difficulty due to the fact she actually liked conversations, but did not consider listening to what the other person says with great impatience in order to run over them and have your say (phew) a conversation) reminds me of someone looking at the ground.
You are inexperienced and falling off your horse because you have no instruction and by gum, it is one thing to read about riding a horse and quite another to swing your leg over the back of a live animal with a mind of its own, who's basic defence is to take off whether or not you stick around. It is a joy and unforgettable to sail along on the back of a magnificent creature whose strength far outweighs your own and to know you can do things with this beautiful animal that you could never ever do on your own because you are working as a team. You have trained together.
In fact, it is like flying and the feeling you get from being 'one' with the horse is...well....you just have to try it some time!
I don't think I am an exception, but I honestly do not think I could live day to day with human reasoning as the only way I know or can know God. He and I have been through alot together and more to come.
He tells us do not be like the horse or the mule who need a bit to direct them. We are to be directed by His Spirit...not books on a shelf or a denomination. His Spirit knows more than all of us put together...He is stronger, wiser, kinder, faster, and His intelligence is off the charts. You can attain more than you can dream about when you are filled with the Holy Spirit.
Just 2 minutes is better than half an hour begging and pleading in ignorance because you just do not get the fact...whether through rejection or because you are untaught, that the Holy Spirit prays through you according the will of God!!! He changes your heart and even your thoughts so that you are in line with the direction God wants you to go in
Do you have to pray in tongues to understand that? Yuh know, I don't think you do! I have often prayed in English in a way that I know is not just me, myself and I. Words flow in my own tongue when I am stuck...or after I have prayed in tongues, I will pray in English and it is like enlightening yourself.
Some of you know exactly what I am talking about. Some will say I am bragging. I cannot brag about something I am not the creator of...I am only a vessel through which the Spirit of God at times prays and through which a small part of this earth is changed forever because I give myself to wanting the will of God and when I do not know how to pray I know that the Holy Spirit knows how I should pray and that does not even mean to pray in tongues but it means to trust that God will put on your heart and mind the words.
I think some folks really need an attitude adjustment. You don't know what you are talking about and yet you insist you are right and we folks who pray in tongues or whatever in the power of the Spirit of God, have it all wrong.