There is really something we can do about the violence in America. There are three things going on that cannot be addressed without being instantly labeled a racist, a bigot, or a xenophobe, but the sources of violence stem from how some are being raised:
1. One group is being raised in a land whose chief export and biggest products are drugs and sex. Children are given to cartels to either work in the drug industry or as prostitutes. The other choice is to have the cartels kidnap the children and kill the family. These kids are then exported to America.
2. Another group is raised to believe violence is money. It is. They have a large share of the illegal market and come from countries where the justice system itself is so violent, America justice is a cakewalk. They have no problems killing cops or anyone else that gets in their way or just annoys them.
3. A third group simply isn't raised. The daughters are cared for and taught to use sex as their way of buying what they want or need. The sons are left to survive on their own. The boys are feral. This explains why so many don't make it to age 24, or are in prisons for long stretch of time by the time they're that old.
But we're not allowed to address any of this or we are racists, bigots and xenophobes. So... we don't! Instead we talk about the aftermath.
And, hey! The world points at us because everyone thinks they understand. "It's all Americans. They're just violent." Not really. We just have selective sight and are well indoctrinated to believe our educators and mass media.