Actually Christian Chat is a duly registered religious non-profit in the Philippines (where RoboOp lives).
That being said, even the founder of a non-profit has the right to solicit donations from those who utilize it's services. The last time I checked just about every non-profit solicits donations in some way or another for one purpose; to cover the costs of the services they provide. In the case of CC this would include server bills (one for the forums, one for the chat rooms) and what is left over is RoboOp's salary. In most months what is left over is a pittance even without considering the number of hours that RoboOp puts into feature development (predominantly for chat since the forum is commercially available software).
That being said, even the founder of a non-profit has the right to solicit donations from those who utilize it's services. The last time I checked just about every non-profit solicits donations in some way or another for one purpose; to cover the costs of the services they provide. In the case of CC this would include server bills (one for the forums, one for the chat rooms) and what is left over is RoboOp's salary. In most months what is left over is a pittance even without considering the number of hours that RoboOp puts into feature development (predominantly for chat since the forum is commercially available software).
So when an American donates to a non-profit registered in the Philippines,
is it a tax deductible donation for us, back in America?