I feel great.
I just took a bath and I smell like flowery pistachios.
And I got new lotion that smells like shea butter, or it has shea buter in it.
And then I bought two cases of water bottles so I am basically ready for a fast at any times, I stock my miniature refrigerator that I keep in my room, kind of like the ones that they have at the hotels except it's only water, boo and ya.
Wait what was I talking about,
oh yeah fasting!
I am horrible with this whole fasting thing because I never stick to a day.
I'll experience a little bit of a revelation within an hour or two and be like 'OK GREAT' and then I will stop fasting...
I don't experience horrible hunger pangs or anything, but it baffles my mind when I hear stories about people that fast for more than two or three days at a time, three days also sounds extreme to me....Not necessarily because you are lacking food, but because the habits and the routines of eating. Sometimes you notice things that are so deeply imbedded in your behaviors you look like this .....0_0 and then you see a blackhole out of the corner of your eye because it is past three a.m. and then you realize that if you don't change your ways, a monster from one of the goosebumps movies is going to grab you and take you down to live in their swamp with them...
I mean....
discipline and STUFF.