I honestly do not understand why people have ganged up on Russell to get him banned. I've found that many 'Christians' here at this forum are mean spirited bullies. Why do Christians attack people who are different from them and why bully people instead of discuss or ask Q's?
Admittedly, I haven't read through the entire thread here, and there's stuff he wrote which I don't quite understand, but I don't have the patience to read through it all. However, what I did see was this member attempting to discover if there was a deeper symbolic meaning to some part of scripture. Jesus spoke to us in parables and symbolism. The bible is full of metaphors, parables, symbolisms, dark sayings, etc....
The bible interprets the bible after all = If it were not so we would never understand the book of Revelation.
Some examples of how scripture interprets scripture is this:
a TREE can symbolize a number of things = such as: shelter, a person or righteous believer [Psalm 1:3; Isa 7:2], a cedar tree could symbolize a country or nation [1 Kings 4:33, Ps 29:5],the Cross [1 Pet 2:24, Acts 5:30 as in being hung on a 'tree']
The OCEAN can symbolize things such as: the world (Isa 17:12 sea of humanity Ps 98:7, Rev 17:15), Baptism[1 Cor 10:1-2], mean or merciless attacks from people (Jer 6:23, Jer50:42),Spiritual/emotionalinfluences the Word ofGod or truth (water of the word), people, sea of humanity/people or nations or unruly massesof society/people (Isa 57:20)
Does anyone think what I've posted above is "occult"? ... seriously..?
Do the majority of Christians not understand that the bible interprets itself?
Go look at all the dreams people in scripture had and look at how those dreams were interpreted via symbolism. Rarely was a dream literal. Look at the dream about the 7 ugly cows swallowing 7 fat cows.. What looks like foolishness is often from God. (God also speaks to non believers by the way - That dream was given to Pharaoh)
The bible isn't occult. - It interprets itself. ---- That doesn't mean people will always get it right of course.
Being here at CC is certainly an eye opening experience.. I'm seeing all manner of behaviours, accusations, suspiciousness, bullying, and the likes.. It leaves me scratching my head. But at the same time, Yeshua was also bullied & persecuted and misunderstood. When He told the pharisees that He would rebuild the temple in 3 days the pharisees went all sideways gnashing their teeth...... so I guess I should not be so surprised at what I have witnessed at CC.
The bullying I myself have been subjected to here from Ember and her possé has been extreme and unrelenting. I most likely will be leaving at some point. My own experience here has not been pleasant because of mean spirited bullies and rude remarks. I don't quite understand how people can be so suspicious and ignorant.
Admittedly, I haven't read through the entire thread here, and there's stuff he wrote which I don't quite understand, but I don't have the patience to read through it all. However, what I did see was this member attempting to discover if there was a deeper symbolic meaning to some part of scripture. Jesus spoke to us in parables and symbolism. The bible is full of metaphors, parables, symbolisms, dark sayings, etc....
The bible interprets the bible after all = If it were not so we would never understand the book of Revelation.
Some examples of how scripture interprets scripture is this:
a TREE can symbolize a number of things = such as: shelter, a person or righteous believer [Psalm 1:3; Isa 7:2], a cedar tree could symbolize a country or nation [1 Kings 4:33, Ps 29:5],the Cross [1 Pet 2:24, Acts 5:30 as in being hung on a 'tree']
The OCEAN can symbolize things such as: the world (Isa 17:12 sea of humanity Ps 98:7, Rev 17:15), Baptism[1 Cor 10:1-2], mean or merciless attacks from people (Jer 6:23, Jer50:42),Spiritual/emotionalinfluences the Word ofGod or truth (water of the word), people, sea of humanity/people or nations or unruly massesof society/people (Isa 57:20)
Does anyone think what I've posted above is "occult"? ... seriously..?
Do the majority of Christians not understand that the bible interprets itself?
Go look at all the dreams people in scripture had and look at how those dreams were interpreted via symbolism. Rarely was a dream literal. Look at the dream about the 7 ugly cows swallowing 7 fat cows.. What looks like foolishness is often from God. (God also speaks to non believers by the way - That dream was given to Pharaoh)
The bible isn't occult. - It interprets itself. ---- That doesn't mean people will always get it right of course.
Being here at CC is certainly an eye opening experience.. I'm seeing all manner of behaviours, accusations, suspiciousness, bullying, and the likes.. It leaves me scratching my head. But at the same time, Yeshua was also bullied & persecuted and misunderstood. When He told the pharisees that He would rebuild the temple in 3 days the pharisees went all sideways gnashing their teeth...... so I guess I should not be so surprised at what I have witnessed at CC.
The bullying I myself have been subjected to here from Ember and her possé has been extreme and unrelenting. I most likely will be leaving at some point. My own experience here has not been pleasant because of mean spirited bullies and rude remarks. I don't quite understand how people can be so suspicious and ignorant.
many of us, who believe, feel obliged to respond as strongly in our own time.
There are many things in Scripture which may be interpreted differently; but there are fundamental truths that must not be compromised.
While you may feel bullied, and some may agree with you, much of your trouble has been of your own making.
You seem to have some difficulty separating disagreement with your ideas (which is right and proper on any forum) and personal attack. (which is not)
ember has no posse! if others have agreed with her they are entitled to arrive at the same conclusion as ember independently. If something is true, many people are likely to see it as true. Even things that are untrue might have a large number of people believe them. I have seen mean-spiritedness and rudeness on the forum; but I have not seen mean-spiritedness and have seldom seen rudeness from ember; and not at all from Angela.
An expression of outrage or indignation from someone who has earned respect and has not received it is NOT rudeness.
An expression of disdain toward someone who has earned respect from someone who has not is indeed rudeness.
Nobody should be subjected to unprovoked disrespect; but it is not up to any of us to determine that we have earned respect.
You know that you have earned respect when you receive it from those who disagree with you.