He said...
"....guys that "have to work with women alone" or professions like counselor and doctors or whatever and run into a "woman whom is a beautiful seducer" and he is attracted to her, he better ask her to leave "asap" or leave himself "asap" if he doesn't he will eventually lose control....this is probably the greatest weakness as I said "of all men".... the reason why I said that I was taken back by you not being aware of this, is because you "dated men" and saw their behavior I mean.
And also... (It was a very long email so I wont post all..but here is some...)
" ......I was "taken back" by the fact that you did not know that about "all men" my mother knows this fact, it's actually all in the bible. When Samson "Whom Loved" Delilah "even worst"... do you think Samson was "only man inclined that way" meaning well he was "just weak", no that story speaks of "All Men In General" it's "bad enough facing a Temptress, but even worst if you Love Her"...
Women "in fact" have more power over men for this very reason all throughout the bible you find this "Common Theme" David himself was a very righteous man he had "many wives" yet still his Greatest Weakness "He in his case you could actually say he had a weakness towards woman" because he saw Bathsheba "Nude" does that mean that if every guy sees a "Nude Woman" from afar he will fall? No, if she is "Very Beautiful" "in this case more will fall; however if he has a Wife that he Truly Does Love" at this point he "for that reason he still would not fall" so in David's case he was "weaker in this area than the one's that are stronger"; however if she is "Beautiful" is "Alone with the man" there is actual proof of this fact..
I saw a program once and "other programs like this" even in the Secular World... where "as a joke they have a beautiful woman come on to a man sitting at a distance in the room" being seductive and dressed seductively "over 99% of all of those guys which had girl friends and wives or single didn't matter all "Failed" but "One Man" Whom Did Not Fail, "But that is Only Step 1)
Step One "Dressed Seductive" "Making Sexual Suggestions" 'All Men Failed This Simple Step, But One Guy' it did not matter that these guys was "both young and old" even the "old men" had fallen, this one "younger guy" he made it "thru step one which is not easy for any man to do that" even I at that point can make it thru that part "When Married and In Love"...
(There was more in between but it was very detailed ...too much too put on here I think) but here is more of what he is trying to say to me
......"Most Pastors that "fallen" "it's a Woman that has done it" or that "Satan has sent this way" "the best weapon was "never the fruit for men, but the his desires and love for woman "Eve"... that is "Why I Pray And Have Prayed For All Men" Especially Look At Our World Now "bringing down men this way even the "World Knows This" How Many Movies Of Stories Have "you watched whereby the one thing that brought the guy down was a beautiful woman???"
Well My Mother "As A Woman" She Told Me Once; The Devil Specifically Comes After Pastors This Way "Meaning Mom Knows This Is The Greatest Weakness In "Any Man's Life"... I actually did not realize that you had not "come to this same conclusion about men in general" but if you did not know that you are "told the Truth Now" on it, and if you "think I am simply weak or David Is or Samson Is, then Why Did Adam take the fruit {Specifically from Eve??? Knowing Fully Well It Was Wrong} Adam Was Faithful Man To Eve.... But Whom Did He Break Faithfulness Too???? "GOD" RIGHT??
SO there you GO!!!!!!!!!! "