Over 1 year ago, my husband and I decided to go through the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace program. We've managed to pay off over $50,000 worth of debt (most of it student loans for my kids college), and some credit cards. We are on our last debt (which is always the largest debt) and coming up towards Christmas. My husband and I don't have the same feelings about Christmas and what we should or shouldn't do, although we don't discuss it. I have 3 adult children (20, 27 and 30) and both of our parents are living. We get together with my entire family Christmas day and my 3 sisters and I have always swapped a small gift, and we have always bought my 3 kids a Christmas gift in the past. My husband feels that since we are on a plan to pay off debt, we don't buy Christmas presents. None. Not for our kids, parents, each other or my sisters. This makes it a little difficult on me to go to my parents and everyone is swapping gifts and I have nothing to give anyone. I don't even want to go and be put in this situation. To me, even spending a small amount on something special (under $10) for my sisters would be nice, and I would like to give our children each $100. They are all self supporting, and we do nothing for them during the year. At Christmas time, I want to do something from my heart for them. My husband said that we agreed to get on a budget when we started this plan and we stick to the budget. Of course, the budget didn't include Christmas. Is it ok to get together with everyone and have them feel awkward because "we" can't swap gifts and they have to do it with everyone else around us? I would skip getting together, but its one of the few times I get to see my sisters, my own 2 older boys and my nieces and nephews? I am a giver, and I love giving something small to my family, but my husband does not want to spend the money and stick with the plan. I will follow his lead and not spend a penny on Christmas, but I feel terrible about it inside. Is this wrong?