They may look like you...not me
and what does similarity prove? many things look similar?
Well similarity is what helps us tell the difference between animal species that are from the same family. Example; a lizard looks like a lizard because of its lizard like features, scales, cold blooded, forked tongue etc. So we know it belongs to the reptilian family of animals. In the same way, dolphins and sharks share the same similarities in that they both look similar apart from some features that are different but we know they both belong to the fish/mamal family of animals. And to be very honest with you, looking at your avatar you do look a bit like a gorilla hahaha have to want to believe evolution and then find some logic to try and justify what you want to believe...
People that believe evolution or "Darwinism" will find logic in evolution. You make the mistake that I support it? I too was with you 100% in this thread too and also think that very same thing about evolution and have asked that very same question to many hundreds of atheists, friends and even Christians alike in my lifetime too of if we evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys today. Because if we evolved from Neanderthals it makes sense some of them were found but do not exist today. You see, you should not suppose and assume so quick Mr Mitspa.
Another question I like to ask atheists that literally puts an elephant in the room with us is that if evolution is true and we did evolve from monkeys; then what was an elephant before it was an elephant? What did the elephants evolve from? What about the Giraffe? If evolution/Darwinism is true then what was a Giraffe BEFORE it was a Giraffe? Usually an animals lineage can be tracked right back to its ancestors and we can see what family of animals it came from. But there are no other animals like a Giraffe and the Giraffe species and design has remained unchanged as far back as we can tell.
Its makes much more logic to assume that the same Creator would create things in a similar way.
Again I agree with you. But in the same sense, by the same token, He creates things out of things throughout time.
If you want to believe something and have no real evidence? That's fine but its not science, its a religion. I am happy with my religion and admit it takes seem to be unhappy in your religion and refuse to acknowledge that your beliefs are not based on real facts but based on your imagination.
Wow you just are awash with assumptions tonight aren't you Mitspa?
For starters, religion is a man made thing. I don't follow/support/advocate or encourage any kind of religion. Religion is what causes wars, famines, poverty and strife. Religion is a tool of satan that lies to man and leads him down a path of darkness and destruction.
If you want to be happy with your religion then that's your prerogative. But I will follow my Christianity which is not a religion but a reality.
I think we share some of the same believes though. I can see that you are a man of God but I also have the spirit of discernment given to me as a gift by God since birth.
The fact that you believe monkeys change into people, because monkeys have some similar traits, is just silly to any reasonable person.
Who are you talking to/referring to here? I never said that. Show me where I said that. I do NOT believe that we came from monkeys. I have never said that anywhere in this thread or in my life period.
But my argument is against your argument to assume that that is "silly" to any reasonable person when its not. For starters, you need to read your bible about using the word "stupid" or "fool" and be careful where you use it. You are saying that Gods very people are "stupid" for believing something and that is NOT what Christ wants for you Mitspa. Even when the Angel Gabriel was accused by Satan he never cursed him and said you're stupid, he merely said the Lord rebuke you.
Monkeys are a part of Gods plan and will be with us always. They ARE very similar to humans and one could call you "stupid" if you stand there and say ughh no they don't. They do, a little bit. Even if they have massive eyes and funny hooters but that is the way God made them. They are also very loving but demand more respect than you are giving them!!