You are right that no country is on a gold standard because they can therefore print as much paper money as they like, this in turn inflates the fiat money supply, leading to inflation, which is devaluation of currency because more and more paper is printed which is basically a hidden tax, over time the currency is devalued because the government completely unbound by any dicipline can simply print as much as its likes, this eventually leads to hyper-inflation and currency collapse.
Gov. and central banks will artificially set low gold prices to increase the purchasing power of their currency, which gives them power of their territory, he who can control the money supply can control the territory, fiat currency is attractive to the Satanic mind because it can be counterfeited, produced cheaply at will in whatever amount needs be, gold cannot, fiat currecny is the debt burden of slaves and gold is the currency of kings and God.
People like you have been brainwashed your entire life, it would be difficult for me to change your mode of thinking unless the Spirit of Truth testifies to you, which from what I have heard of you does not appear to happen, when truth is presented to you, you just sink deeper into your own ignorance and lies.