Just sending some support your way. Nothing worse than physical pain to make things worse. Just ask me on any day!
You are blessed that you have a new home and your son. And that you will recover from all this hard lifting. Did you have anyone to help with the big stuff? My husband moved us completely in Jan. It was -39 C the two days we moved and he wouldn't wear gloves because it was too hard to move the boxes. We did get my cousin on one end to help with the big stuff, and my SIL and her husband to help on this end.
I guess you could say that I provided the moral support your 8 year old did!
Anyway, the job is done, and now settling in is the goal. Just take it a day at a time, and you will get there! (Says the person who still hasn't unpacked all the boxes, because there is no place to put stuff, and I couldn't find my Christmas music this year. But it was ok, I just played by ear. I guess all those Christmases of playing the same carols the music is embeded in my brain!)