Two kids get bikes for christmas.
One kid feels a little apprehension. "I'll pay you back dad"....."Oh no son it is free"......."I don't deserve something this nice"..."doesn't matter,it is yours for all eternity"
The kid neglects it,abuses it,it eventually ends up in the weeds and is now a rust pile.
Never had value to the kid from day one. It was cheap to him. But the thing is still his.
The other kid maintains his bike,takes it in his room,and tells his friends how he appreciates and cherishes it. He is in love with that bike.
It is VALUABLE. It has great ,great value to the kid.
Both bikes cost the same.
Both were free
One was cheap
One kid feels a little apprehension. "I'll pay you back dad"....."Oh no son it is free"......."I don't deserve something this nice"..."doesn't matter,it is yours for all eternity"
The kid neglects it,abuses it,it eventually ends up in the weeds and is now a rust pile.
Never had value to the kid from day one. It was cheap to him. But the thing is still his.
The other kid maintains his bike,takes it in his room,and tells his friends how he appreciates and cherishes it. He is in love with that bike.
It is VALUABLE. It has great ,great value to the kid.
Both bikes cost the same.
Both were free
One was cheap