So, you assume that I do not understand because I disagree with you?
Nice try! LOL
I do understand the gift and thats why I stopped him. It was out of order!
I have disbelief in the fashion "tongues" is presented these days.
It isnt carried out according to scripture . I tend to hold fast to the word unlike you.
Nice try! LOL
I do understand the gift and thats why I stopped him. It was out of order!
I have disbelief in the fashion "tongues" is presented these days.
It isnt carried out according to scripture . I tend to hold fast to the word unlike you.
I hold fast to the word of God...always. You can stop with your empty accusations, now, especially when you know different from what you say to me...thanks. I see you have removed me as your friend, when just the other day you said that you would not allow our differences to get in the way of that.
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