Revelation 9:21 Says that we shouldn't practice witchcraft [Greek word; Pharmakeia] which is where we get our word pharmacy from.
It's description is sometimes translated by greek scholars as drugs.
I personally get perverse thoughts when I'm off of these medications but when I'm on them I get pretty bad side effects too so it's kind of a hard decision either way.
Now the medical world would tell you that these medications are not bad for you but I think theres many Christians who would say otherwise so it's hard to tell.
I'm talking about anti psychotics anti depressants ect. not antibiotics or natural supplements.
I've been told by pastors I should take my medication and i've been told by pastors their not good for me.
I personally have three diseases and I need to take a different type of medication called anti biotics in addition to the other stuff these make me pretty different because their killing off diseases in my body.
It's description is sometimes translated by greek scholars as drugs.
I personally get perverse thoughts when I'm off of these medications but when I'm on them I get pretty bad side effects too so it's kind of a hard decision either way.
Now the medical world would tell you that these medications are not bad for you but I think theres many Christians who would say otherwise so it's hard to tell.
I'm talking about anti psychotics anti depressants ect. not antibiotics or natural supplements.
I've been told by pastors I should take my medication and i've been told by pastors their not good for me.
I personally have three diseases and I need to take a different type of medication called anti biotics in addition to the other stuff these make me pretty different because their killing off diseases in my body.