Depends, if it's real meds it's not a sin, but you still have to watch out. There's so many people who killed themselves because they got antidepressants or something and even one who got regular meds for physical pain. Not everything the doctor or psychiatrist, which I believe is not a real doctor, prescribes is kosher. They told me it was God given medicine in a big church, you have to go to the psychiater, it's good, it's a blessing from God, bless your pills. They know nothing, an atheist drugaddict had more sense: they make oxazepam from opium. You can get that on the black market illegal. Legalized all of a sudden everything is good? Yet someone else got it for his back ache and then I think it's okay. Dunno, just watch out with it. One guy on a forum got antidepressants and all of a sudden wanted to kill himself with a razor blade. On that forum it was forbidden to say those drugs were not good. Well I told him I had exactly the same thing, throw it away and here's T.B. Joshua, listen to him praying for viewers. He did, it was immediately gone. Lol then they removed my post and I got a warning, but he pm'd me to say thanks, it worked, it's gone.