Sorry for the long post
So I really don't know what to do about my current relationship. I had prayed for a good and Godly man and I do believe God has sent him to me. He is a minister, and truly treats me kindly. However, my parents do not like him. They think his calling is not from God, but himself. They have been told by two very Godly men, one who is a preacher himself, that I need to get out of this relationship while I can. I myself have no reason to believe he wasn't called by God because he has explained to me why he believes God has and God has given him so many opportunities to preach. My parents also think he is in it just for the money. I do know that since I have been with him that he has only one time to my knowledge gave money for the offering plate. That really bothers my parents. Also, the biggest reason my parents don't want me with him is because of his disability. They understand that he can't help it and its not his fault, but they are scared it's gonna be too much on me if we was to get married. He had a stroke before he was born and doesn't have hardly any use in his left side and it has effected some of his cognitive thinking. It does worry me because I want kids so bad but I'm afraid he can't have them and if he can he isn't gonna be much help. Also, he can't work most jobs due to his disability. I love who he is and that he gives his all to the LORD, but what kinda person would I be to leave someone over something they can't help. I'm not trying to doubt that God sent him, but it is literally a constant thought and I try to pray for signs and God wills but I just ain't seeing it. Please if anyone could give me some advice it would be appreciated.
Thanks and God bless.
So I really don't know what to do about my current relationship. I had prayed for a good and Godly man and I do believe God has sent him to me. He is a minister, and truly treats me kindly. However, my parents do not like him. They think his calling is not from God, but himself. They have been told by two very Godly men, one who is a preacher himself, that I need to get out of this relationship while I can. I myself have no reason to believe he wasn't called by God because he has explained to me why he believes God has and God has given him so many opportunities to preach. My parents also think he is in it just for the money. I do know that since I have been with him that he has only one time to my knowledge gave money for the offering plate. That really bothers my parents. Also, the biggest reason my parents don't want me with him is because of his disability. They understand that he can't help it and its not his fault, but they are scared it's gonna be too much on me if we was to get married. He had a stroke before he was born and doesn't have hardly any use in his left side and it has effected some of his cognitive thinking. It does worry me because I want kids so bad but I'm afraid he can't have them and if he can he isn't gonna be much help. Also, he can't work most jobs due to his disability. I love who he is and that he gives his all to the LORD, but what kinda person would I be to leave someone over something they can't help. I'm not trying to doubt that God sent him, but it is literally a constant thought and I try to pray for signs and God wills but I just ain't seeing it. Please if anyone could give me some advice it would be appreciated.
Thanks and God bless.