Alright, now I am learning about Eminem at and I am shocked and horrified! This guy is scum and he knows it. He is proud of the negative influence he has on his listeners.
Check out this quote from one of his songs here:
"Wake up sweepy head we're here, before we pway, we're gonna take mama for a wittle walk along the pier. Baby, don't cry honey, don't get the wrong idea mama's too sweepy to hear you screamin' in her ear (ma-maa!) That's why you can't get her to wake, but don't worry, da-da made a nice bed for mommy at the bottom of the lake. Here, you wanna help da-da tie a rope around this rock? (yeah!) We'll tie it to her footsie then we'll roll her off the dock. Ready now, here we go, on the count of free…One… two… free… WHEEEEEE! (whoooooshhhhh)There goes mama, spwashin in the wa-ta. No more fightin' wit dad, no more restraining order…give her kisses bye-bye, tell mama you love her."
Check it out here:
There is loads of video and articles on many musicians and other such topics!