This was posted on the thread; still think 9/11 was a conspiracy, post #177. It's a starting point. Some of the conspiracy theories about flight 77 were defended during that thread by people who will probably make an appearance here on this thread and give similar responses to the evidence. They will say that all those witnesses were blind. They will change the subject and discuss something else about our government, maybe relating to Cuba, that proves they conspire against us. They will post a youtube video of the man on the above video, but there video will only play three seconds of his interview where he described the American Airlines plane as looking like a cruise missile with wings. They think by taking part of what he said, out of context, they are being truth seekers and somehow proving it was a missile attack. They will post cropped pictures of the scene that block out airplane debris they say was not at the scene. They will not discuss the fact that DNA from every passenger, except one baby, was discovered at the scene. They won't have any answers to the taxi cab driver who cab was struck by a light pole knocked over by flight 77 just before it struck the pentagon. How do they explain all the other light poles knocked over by the plane as it approached? They don't. They might suggest the pentagon has a sophisticated missile defense that should have been activated if a plane was coming towards it. Yet the pentagon has no such missile defense system. They don't want to discuss the C-131 flight crew that was in the air watching flight 77 as it approached and struck the pentagon, while exchanging their observations via radio that was recorded for all conspiracy nuts to see. It goes on and on.