Well this is an interesting, albeit naive, question. For one thing, people who are insecure in their faith seek to surround themselves with like-minded people. Some just have malevolent intent. For another thing, I have asked Grace777x70 many times if he is in some way affiliated with, or derives some sort of material benefit for directing traffic to, that website that he constantly links to (much, much more so earlier than now). I never once received a simple yes, or no in response. His words were always framed in ways that they could be interpreted more than one way.
But let your statement be ‘Yes, yes; no, no,’ and anything beyond these is from the evil one. Matthew 5:37
You never ask Grace 777 WHat (doctrinaly) He actually believes. You base your whole basis for damning people on what everyone else says about them. And not on what they actually believe.
That's why you always say they believe things they do not believe. You can only get that from listening to someone else tell you that. And you place more faith in the one speaking against the person, than the person himself.
That's not only rude, and insincere, but and childish.