I just had the most stupidest encounter ever with a guy hitting on me. we met in here and he lives in the same state as I do and he seemed pretty nice and was moving to a town near me, so I give him my number and tell him he can text me. (yes I do admit this was a bit stupid but I have met quite a few nice ppl on here that I text regularly)... well every time he texted me he would randomly out of the blue hit on me, I kept telling, from day one so I was not leading him on in any way, he wasnt my type and that I was not interested, and then finally tonight he randomly texted me "why are you so mean to me? why wont you be my girl? you sure are picky for someone who has never dated." (I'm not picky but I do have standards, I am not just going to date the first guy who asks me out, it has to be a guy God sent me) and that did it. I went all 'rude' on him. told him I did not like him like that, that I could date whoever I wanted and he was wasting his time if he was trying to get me to date him. well then he simply gets super jerk-like and says "whatever, I have had it I am too Godly to put up with your nonsense." well that made me mad and I told him to have a nice life. but seriously, where does he get off by saying he is too 'godly' when he can not even respect me and stop hitting on me. but grrr, what a desperate loser!!! we didnt even have anything in common.
I think he has gotten banned from this site and I am glad, he doesnt need to harass other girls.
and I am sorry, this was kinda a rant... but at least it was on topic! ha ha