What does the Bible say about homosexuality...

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Senior Member
Jul 3, 2015
When It comes to GOD,Is one sin worst than others?
When It comes to man,Is one sin worst than others?
Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." John 19:11


When It comes to GOD,Is one sin worst than others?

When It comes to man,Is one sin worst than others?
Whether one doesn't want to confront whether homosexuality is like telling a fib or stealing a pen from work, leave such value judgments aside, and read what the word of God states is the character of such sin. I haven't noticed this much said of any sin common to man, again, what man thinks worse or not immaterial. Here is what God says,

Romans 1:21-32 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

If you don't take into account this real treatise in scripture, and the bedfellows of such sin, the explicit spiritual state, then throw out the scripture. But therein is the truth, and it matters not one whit what silk hat men put on a pig, how much man philosophizes, it's only God's opinion that counts, not yours, not mine, if any such opinion is contrary to the Lord's. This much is not rocket science. If anybody finds the picture in this scripture pretty, I'm not getting that. This is not a worse sin or not issue, to determine what is politically correct and stuff into man's understandings: it's an issue of God's truth and huge, serious implications to the souls of people this scripture spells out.


Wow! Lotta people interested in homosexuality here!

I'm outta here! May God's light shine through you all!

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things*are*noble, whatever things*are*just, whatever things*are*pure, whatever things*are*lovely, whatever things*are*of good report, if*there is*any virtue and if*there is*anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.


Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." John 19:11
I'm surprised you pointed that out. I was about to start a thread about "are all sins equal"?


Senior Member
Jul 3, 2015
Wow! Lotta people interested in homosexuality here!
I'm outta here! May God's light shine through you all!
Thank you Peaceful Warrior, and may the radiance of perpetual Light, Love, beauty, Peace, and Truth shine in you and on you and through you eternally, one day at a time, that you may experience happiness, harmony, healing, hope, and humour in your quest for sanity, serenity and surrender. God bless you always!


I'm surprised you pointed that out. I was about to start a thread about "are all sins equal"?
God's standard of absolute holiness required to see heaven another topic, that no sin or sinful flesh enters therein, it's common sense doing some things are worse than others, that some people are more evil than others. We are made in God's image, with some intellect He gave us, and we weren't called upon to check our brains at the door!
Feb 7, 2015
Maybe people understand now why they say it's none of your business what we do.
Why are people so offended by them anyway? I do not want to know.
I recently attend a symposium during which the Homosexual subject was brought up. One vehement objector addressed the relativity of the individual esoteric "plumbing" as an obvious reason that it was wrong. To which the speaker asked: "How say ye of Fellatio?"

Yes, we certainly do have problems when someone brings it too close to our own personal preferences.


I spoke to some homosexuals. They went to church since birth. When they were 14 they cried out to God to change them. Nothing happened. Church had no power, noone helped them. They gave up and now they're the reprobates and it's all their fault. Right.
Actually, one of the churches in our local presbytery has an outreach for sexual sin. All sexual sin, from fantasizing, to fornicating, to adultery, and LBGT sins. And we are aware that it is sin in thought, word, or deed too. And yet, not only have they helped people out of all the varieties of sins, they also help enough that those who have been helped then help others.

It's not your usual lip-service christianity. It's not your usual
. Their ministry is near the church which ended up being near the LBGT community, (the church moved to that location over 100 years ago, so they didn't end up there for some kind of spiritual statement), and the people minister within that community. People have been helped out, and, in return, they then help people who stayed in too long. They take meals to homosexual people who are now dying of AIDS. They run errands, visit just to have a friend to talk to, and so much more. Basically, they fully and completely minister to others with sexual sin, aren't afraid to call it a sin, but, boy, oh boy! They are fully aware they too sin, so they don't beat up people just like them to be all so powerfully christianese.

It sure beats the approach being used on here by far too many.

There is hope for all of us sinners. God is our hope. Christians are edifying, helping, encouraging, and teaching each other to walk away from any given sin with Christ as our strength. Giving up at 14 doesn't mean there is no way out of any sin. If we'd just realize that and encourage each other to that.

I think our number one problem seems to be to do the naughty-naughty face (
) with sins we don't have problems with, but then we wear a mask to hide the sins we do have problems with. That seems to be what is expected in many churches.

I simply don't wear the mask anymore. And I'm glad I found a church that has no problems disregarding their masks too. That is why I have never been afraid to tell it like it is on here. I'm fully aware I still am a sinner needing Christ more often than merely once a day.


I recently attend a symposium during which the Homosexual subject was brought up. One vehement objector addressed the relativity of the individual esoteric "plumbing" as an obvious reason that it was wrong. To which the speaker asked: "How say ye of Fellatio?"

Yes, we certainly do have problems when someone brings it too close to our own personal preferences.

That still doesn't change the fact that God made opposite sex parts fit properly. People do all sorts of things that can bring sexual stimulation it doesn't change the fact that man and woman were made to fit together. It ridiculous to me that a woman would go buy a toy that resembles a mans part in every way to have sex with another woman when a man already comes with the right attachment!!!! Can someone explain the sheer stupidity of that?!
Feb 7, 2015
That still doesn't change the fact that God made opposite sex parts fit properly. People do all sorts of things that can bring sexual stimulation it doesn't change the fact that man and woman were made to fit together. It ridiculous to me that a woman would go buy a toy that resembles a mans part in every way to have sex with another woman when a man already comes with the right attachment!!!! Can someone explain the sheer stupidity of that?!
That's easy. She doesn't have to deal with a male idiot in her life. LOL Women do seem to get along better with other women than they do with men.
Dec 19, 2009
Anyone willing to step up to the plate?

vatican condones it, u.s.a. endorses it... Makes me wonder why... Quite honestly I am sick of having it thrown in my face and if not accepting of it, made to feel guilty.
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. Lev 18:22 RSV

I don't think the Vatican actually condoned it. The pope just neglected to let the world know it's a sin, when he had the opportunity. I thought it was a poor choice on his part, since homosexuality, and the world's acceptance of it, seems to be increasing by leaps and bounds.


Actually, one of the churches in our local presbytery has an outreach for sexual sin. All sexual sin, from fantasizing, to fornicating, to adultery, and LBGT sins. And we are aware that it is sin in thought, word, or deed too. And yet, not only have they helped people out of all the varieties of sins, they also help enough that those who have been helped then help others.

It's not your usual lip-service christianity. It's not your usual
. Their ministry is near the church which ended up being near the LBGT community, (the church moved to that location over 100 years ago, so they didn't end up there for some kind of spiritual statement), and the people minister within that community. People have been helped out, and, in return, they then help people who stayed in too long. They take meals to homosexual people who are now dying of AIDS. They run errands, visit just to have a friend to talk to, and so much more. Basically, they fully and completely minister to others with sexual sin, aren't afraid to call it a sin, but, boy, oh boy! They are fully aware they too sin, so they don't beat up people just like them to be all so powerfully christianese.

It sure beats the approach being used on here by far too many.

There is hope for all of us sinners. God is our hope. Christians are edifying, helping, encouraging, and teaching each other to walk away from any given sin with Christ as our strength. Giving up at 14 doesn't mean there is no way out of any sin. If we'd just realize that and encourage each other to that.

I think our number one problem seems to be to do the naughty-naughty face (
) with sins we don't have problems with, but then we wear a mask to hide the sins we do have problems with. That seems to be what is expected in many churches.

I simply don't wear the mask anymore. And I'm glad I found a church that has no problems disregarding their masks too. That is why I have never been afraid to tell it like it is on here. I'm fully aware I still am a sinner needing Christ more often than merely once a day.

Quote "Actually, one of the churches in our local presbytery has an outreach for sexual sin. All sexual sin, from fantasizing, to fornicating, to adultery, and LBGT sins. And we are aware that it is sin in thought, word, or deed too. And yet, not only have they helped people out of all the varieties of sins, they also help enough that those who have been helped then help others."

​This is absolutely perfect.No one can really reach you like a person struggling with the same sin that has overcome. Perfect.

Quote "It's not your usual lip-service christianity. It's not your usual
. Their ministry is near the church which ended up being near the LBGT community, (the church moved to that location over 100 years ago, so they didn't end up there for some kind of spiritual statement), and the people minister within that community. People have been helped out, and, in return, they then help people who stayed in too long. They take meals to homosexual people who are now dying of AIDS. They run errands, visit just to have a friend to talk to, and so much more. Basically, they fully and completely minister to others with sexual sin, aren't afraid to call it a sin, but, boy, oh boy! "

Even more perfect! The worse thing the church ever did was move up town. William Booth had it right,be in the trenches.

Quote " I'm fully aware I still am a sinner needing Christ more often than merely once a day."

We're all sinners saved by grace here.


That's easy. She doesn't have to deal with a male idiot in her life. LOL Women do seem to get along better with other women than they do with men.
Quote "She doesn't have to deal with a male idiot in her life."

Are you April Fooling me Willie?! I can't believe you just said that!:p I don't think thats true really. I mean Ellen has has two women in her life hasn't she, and Rosie just had a breakup with her second or third woman. And homosexuals aren't known to be monogamous anyway.
Feb 7, 2015
In all seriousness, both my wife and I feel it is becoming an elephant in the room at our church. Too big not to begin addressing more directly.

We have gone too far, I think, in just "accepting" this propensity, and never even saying ANYTHING against the practice. Certainly I feel most of the typical approaches are wrong, but to say nothing? That is ignoring that God DOES have some standards for His people.


Those men in Sodom wanted to have sex with God I just read.
Those angels, wasn't that the Trinity?
Feb 7, 2015
Those men in Sodom wanted to have sex with God I just read.
Those angels, wasn't that the Trinity?
I think they were just regular ol' Worker Angels.


GADZOOKS!!! Man, is it April Fools Day in here or WAT???

I peeked in to see how things were progressing and...

it's Sex Ed 101 morphing with Plumbing Prep! :p :confused: *eeek*

I better skedaddle!
:rolleyes: LOL



In all seriousness, both my wife and I feel it is becoming an elephant in the room at our church. Too big not to begin addressing more directly.

We have gone too far, I think, in just "accepting" this propensity, and never even saying ANYTHING against the practice. Certainly I feel most of the typical approaches are wrong, but to say nothing? That is ignoring that God DOES have some standards for His people.
Just give it a spoon full of sugar and mix some humor in.
Good luck!

Feb 7, 2015
GADZOOKS!!! Man, is it April Fools Day in here or WAT???

I peeked in to see how things were progressing and...

it's Sex Ed 101 morphing with Plumbing Prep! :p :confused: *eeek*

That "plumbing" analogy honestly IS one of the "proof" objections presented by many Fundamentalists.