Are we called to be perfect? Yes. We are perfect in Gods way if we follow Jesus, and keep His commands. So I am perfect in Jesus's definition of the word.
No human will ever be perfect in EG's definition even in heaven, because this definition is mans way of talking about what is perfection. And this is the point. Walking in love and righteousness is not be righteous conscious, but to be conscious of need and respond to it. You will only know when sin crops up, and you deal with it. Love is the key in your heart, miss this you miss God.
I am grateful Jesus loves me, and accepts me and teaches me to follow the sermon on the mount. I have built my house upon a rock. But for some reason people here, say Jesus is lying, and I am building my house on legalism and hypocracy. If hypocracy is walking in righteousness, then the speaker is not following Jesus. The proof of where you are is do your words contradict Jesus? If you do, then you need to change or you will be disowned. Jesus gives people enough warning about this. It is not about earning salvation, as walking in it and not delusion and easy believism.
Now I respect grace7x77 for his preaching style and structure of argument, which shows he is a well trained preacher. It does not make him right, because everything is slightly changed so the gospel becomes something else. Love is not at the core. Acceptance of sinful behaviour is, because this is no longer an issue, because it is forgiven already. But show 1 verse which says sin is ok, anywhere where the Lord is concerned. Holiness is the key, but surface righteousness from another is meaningless. If Jesus has not cleansed you and transformed you, your hope is in vain.
We are a purchased holy people, not fake has beens, who never wore clean clothes to the wedding feast.