I've heard of Ravi Zacharias but never before listened to or watched his teachings before. They're very good. I just finished listening to one teaching about the coherence of the Christian faith.
Yes, tintin, I still have old cassette tapes from him from a while back. Haven't listened in a some time, but he really gets your mind going.
His ministry called 'Let My People Think' is aptly named.
Saw him live at Hershey Pennsylvania years ago. Just as nice a guy as you would have expected him to be.
Thx for the reminder.
I have a book of his I've been meaning to mail to someone...got to stop procrastinating. Thx.
God did the impossible today: reconciled me with another CC member.
Praise God!
Saw that going on.....Big Hallelujah, and God bless you brothers.
Sometimes I find myself subconsciously taking sides when I see certain disputes, and I don't want to be that way at all.
It's so great to see a reconciling, and I can rejoice in the grace and mercy of the Lord, and also ask His forgiveness for my heart going astray.
We're family, and there should be nothing we can't overcome together with our God and Savior Jesus.
Having said that, I don't understand why cc itself doesn't do that a little more.
We're supposed to be people of forgiveness and reconciliation, yet a person can have some misunderstandings, (I'm not talking about a deliberate troll or someone with an agenda to cause disruptions), but just some clashes or even offenses, but not some horrible sins,
and all it takes is a report from another,
and suddenly without warning, the person is banned.
No chance for reasoning together, or a moderator mediating (
? ), no dealing with the situation as christians or the biblical way.
Just, gone, kaput, banned, see ya, goodbye, sometimes to a decent brother or sister in the Lord who, imo, deserves much more of a chance than many of the anti-christian jerks that get to continue on playing games here at other people's expense.
I just don't understand the cold shutting off of another without first doing what Jesus asks us (it's actually a command) to do, and that is to love one another, especially those in the Faith, and to come and reason together.
If after the proper attempts, and even bringing in one or two others to help, the person refuses to cooperate, then yes, it's sadly time to send them out, but to just coldly cut a brother out, with no hand extended for reconciliation down the line, seems rather un-christian.
I wish that wasn't so.
But God bless you guys working things out.
We're not possibly going to all get along all the time,
but we can always try to extend a little more of the grace we'd want for ourselves or any family member, and it's inspiring to see the goodness of the Lord displayed when we let brotherly love continue,
as in Hebrews13:1 and 1st John, and throughout the bible,
especially Jesus' great prayer in John17.
God bless you.