Until someone can convince me of this I find it hard to accept that adoption is in God's best interest. If our Lord didn't do this then I think we can safely deduce what God thinks is "best for all."
Its hard to convince someone who obviously doesn't want to be. Thats what we call hard-heartedness. There have been people on this forum who are adopted and told you that it was the best thing that ever happened to them. You are still not convinced. There is no convincing you. Stop making your opinion Gods opinion, and not the other way around.
If you were a humble Christian, you wouldn't have hurt the people by your words in such ways. I can only deduce that this is your own agenda and not Gods.
Dont get offended by my words- I'm not saying them in anger. I wish for everyone to open their eyes and hearts for correction (including myself) but this subject/material doesn't sit right with me.