Negative soul ties can form when we have our needs met inappropriately, and make it hard for us to give up things that comfort us. My advice would be to repent of seeking to have your needs met this way - for looking to a man and sex and natural affection for comfort instead of Christ.( God isnt off these things but they need to be sactified in marriage and in Christ otherwise the reap destruction in your life) I know its hard and at times we are weak, and God understands that, that's why we need repentance, forgiveness and restoration, and He interceeds for us, and knows our weaknesses. There can be consequences of our actions, like in this case having soemone persue you that has feelings and desires now (which are probably just earthly and self centred - due to him not not being a Christian) and you have feelings too, due to the fact that you did act on this desire and tasted of it, you can be tempted to get your next fix. I would say you need to trust God but you also need to be accountable to your leaders. This may be a one off thing and you may have learnt your lesson but if you dont feel you can deal with it on your own or if you need support from them to work through the issues, and accountablility to your leaders or someone that is able to support you is needed.
A good friend once said to me "Its not about how many times you fall but how many times you get back up again", and the quicker we get back up the better! We need to learn to get up quick and run into God. You'll probably have some stuff to work through (shame, discouragement, condemnation etc) because an act and decision like this usually messes with you emotionally and mentally not to mention spiritually, but you need to realise God still loves you, Hes there for you, He knew every mistake you would make before he chose you. But you need to walk away from this, which will probably require telling this guy your a Christian, a leader, that u made a mistake, and that ur not interested. Or you could just throw ur life away and have some fun for a season that ends in bondage and much worse consequences. I would advise in the least that if you are thinking in ANY way to pursue this relationship you need to submit everything to you leaders, in God and in honesty and then heed their advice very specifically. hope this helps. God bless you.