To me it sounds as though you have too many of your own health issues to be able to properly take care of an animal. Judging by your other posts, if you're returning them because of their health challenges they face and or having them put down, then I would suggest not having a pet at all. I’ve had many pets over my life time and done volunteer work in an animal shelter. Your birthday is totally irrelevant in the bigger picture of what’s important in animal adoption. It makes me cringe to hear the way you describe animals as ‘wimpy’ 'too old' 'too timid'. Do you know what socialisation is? Are you aware of the animals previous background? Are you educated and prepared on what you could do to help them?
Having an animal is a big responsibility and what matters least is you needing to be kept company. If you're not prepared to properly take care of a cat, who may well start out healthy but will need shots, checkups, and many other costly vet maintenance visits along the way to ensure good health, then don't jeopardise the cat and put one to and from one environment to another. That is irresponsible, selfish and really hurtful to the animal. Either make a commitment to taking care of a cat, irrespective of it's coating, or the health issues it will encounter on the way, or don't adopt at all. I'd hate to think of a poor animal in pain needing assistance and you returning them because you’re not in a position to help or not providing so long as it 'keeps you company'. Please examine your mindset and conscience and do what's right for the animal.
FYI, MY health issues have gotten 100% better since I had Tequila put to sleep. I chose to end her suffering, so she wouldn't linger on and get worse. I returned the kitten because she was sick with FelV and the other kittens who got adopted that same day were sick also, and got returned. Had I kept her, I would have gone down the same road I went with Tequila, cleaning up poop and puke. The humane society TOLD me to return her, so that was their decision as much as it was mine. As for the cat I described as too timid, she's very skittish and jumps at every sound she hears. I want a cat that is comfortable with hearing loud sounds from time to time. The one I described as too old, has some health issues. God willing, this cat will remain healthy for most of it's life. If not, I'll take her to the vet. I don't have tons of money for the surgery that the cat with health issues will need in a year. If YOU wanna send me some money to help out, feel free.

Keep in mind that this is Vermont. The HS here is currently receiving cats from Maryland, Miami, NY and who knows where else. The HS doesn't know their background any more than the adopters do. They just spay/neuter them, give them vaccs, flea treatment, and microchip them, then adopt them out right away. They are not mind readers, nor am I. I DO, however, have a reasonable expectation of getting a HEALTHY cat from them. Luckily I got a partial refund from returning the kitten. They gave me more, because she was sick and it was their oversight.. YES I DO know what socialization is. However, some of the cats they get are either strays or have been abandoned. There's no way to tell if, or how well, they have been socialized prior to arriving at the HS. As I said previously, the cats' background isn't always known. When it IS, they write an info card and put it with the cat's picture for potential adopters to read. AND YES, I AM educated on cats. I've had them and taken care of them for over 20 years, in good health (theirs AND mine) and bad health. I took care of Tequila for about 9 years after she first became ill. I got her meds, took her to the vets many times, and it didn't help, so I made the decision to put her down so she wouldn't suffer anymore.
I am fully capable, ready, willing and able to take care of another cat. Stop acting all high and mighty. I've had and taken care of cats for even longer than YOU have been alive.. I KNOW what cats need, and I know there will be shots, vet visits, etc. If I did NOT think I was healthy enough to take care of a cat, I wouldn't get one. I AM committed to taking care of a new cat, "irrespective of it's coating". You have no idea how attached I was to Tequila, and THAT is why I was hoping for another orange tabby. Irregardless of the cat's color, I WILL love it, I WILL take care of it, and I WILL give it what it needs.
Get off your high horse and stop telling me what I should or should not do in regards to getting another cat. You're NOT the almighty know-all of cats and how to adopt them and take care of them. I could care less if you've worked in a HS or not. That doesn't make you the ultimate source of knowledge on cats. Stick your nose back into your own business and get it out of mine. This cat will have everything it needs and wants. Your opinion of how I take care of my cat is duly noted, but has been 86'ed.
I know much better than you do, whether I'm capable of taking care of a cat or not. That is an uncontested YES.

So stop shooting off your mouth about things which you have zero knowledge of. Thank you.