I asked if anyone has seen tendencies in families like this. If anyone would like to respond to that, please do. I didn't give the background to invite criticism of myself. I tried to keep it short, or else I could have stated more examples. Please don't make assumptions like accuse me of not caring about the family hoarder. Several of us have tried and tried to help her but we can't do any more. She is being enabled by her father and family have been threatened to stop intervening. Really, for a supposedly Christian forum, it's a little surprising how judgmental some of these replies are. And assuming I deserve this treatment by the sister, all I can say is "wow". I have a sister trying to redefine a family by her control tactics. Several of us in the family see her as controlling. I don't need anyone's analysis of my use of the word, I am asking if others gave seen this in their families.
1. Does anyone else have family like this?
2. Am I better if I just staying away?
If you don't want answers from many viewpoints, don't ask on social media.