Obedience is the way you show your love for God. So disobey all you want, and let's see how that turns out.
Obedience to what?
A covenant to which we are no longer bound?
A covenant of which Christ Jesus has already fulfilled all the righteous requirements through the blood that He shed on the cross?
Or, a new covenant that explicitly frees us from the demands of the Levitical laws that are the outworkings of the Mosaic covenant?
A covenant that calls us to works and deeds that cannot be of the law because the law cannot legislate those actions?
Which covenant disciplemike?
If you are under the covenant of Moses then you cannot be part of the New covenant.
The blood of Jesus is lost to you.
You are seeking righteousness through the law, by works, by your own merit.
Jesus Christ, the cross, His blood shed on the cross, the righteousness to be found by grace through faith has no place here.
Failure on one article of the law finds one guilty on all points - there are no exceptions for you disciplemike.
The cross cannot save you if you are placing your faith in the law.
The Council of Jerusalem (recorded in Acts) specifically rejects the proposal that the only way to be a Christian is to be a practicing Jew - absolutely and unequivocally!
The law may be righteous and just and good, in itself, but all it will do for you is to condemn you.