I think there is an idealism in the Christian community that we all just need to wait because that perfect person is out there. Just wait on God, etc. Among Christians, there is abuse, infidelity, sin, divorce. Marriage takes a whole lot of work. And if you marry, they will not be perfect. We are all single, because we haven't found the person we connect in that way with yet. Plain and simple. We can have some influence in that (if we choose to stay home all time rather then meet new people, or if we have over the top expectations, it reduces our chances). God won't Fed-ex your spouse to your door. Put as much faith as you want in God finding your match, it's my opinion, we give too much to God and don't take enough responsibility for our own choices in life.
I am single because I haven't found someone I connected with. I have a bad habit of picking guys who are not good to me, even though they are Christians. I rather be alone than in a relationship that isn't healthy.