Hi, I'm Chelsea. When I was 19, I started dating a guy who was physically and verbally abusive. By physically, I mean that he pushed me, pulled my hair, pinched me, and threw items at me and he would call me names, even curse me out. I never left him, bc I felt that he was "the one" and I didn't think I would find anyone else. I didn't want to be alone. We would have good days and horrible days, but I loved him. I kept telling myself that no one is perfect. I wanted to help him. We dated for 3 years and we fought this way for 3 years. We got married and all of this continued. Now we have 4 kids together and he doesn't really physically abuse me anymore. He has pushed me out of the way or grabbed my wrists, but nothing more. We still argue and I feel like he says things worst than before. Things that I never thought he would let come out of his mouth. We were arguing, once, and he told me that sometimes I make him want to be with someone else. I think that's when things started to change for me. I haven't felt the same way since then. We both attend a church regularly and we are involved, but lately, I have been feeling empty. I've begun to withdraw from everyone, even my kids and I'm trying so hard to be a good mother to them but it's hard bc I'm not happy in my marriage. I love my babies, they are my hearts. They make me happy, But I think they are the only reason I stay. I don't have anyone else to talk to bc all of our friends are mutual and attend the church and I don't want them to look at my husband differently or me. I'm definitely not innocent here. To make matters worst, last year I started texting a man. We've been texting, off and on for a year. We've only met up once and we messed around, but no sex. I hate myself bc of this. I don't think he's attracted to me, but he keeps texting and I text him back. I'm sorry for the long message, I just don't know what else to do.
Thank you.
Thank you.