This morning we all over slept. I managed to get the kids to school in time, then I came back home, made my lunch and went to work. We're just getting the class room ready no kids yet. I was on a rush and forgot to eat breakfast, so on the way I went through the Tim Hortons drive thru and got a muffin, I don't really like muffins but I was so tired and out of it, I couldn't think oatmeal when I ordered. So I get to work rush up. Walk in the class room , mouth full of gross fruit muffin, see my self in a mirror and realize how awful I look. I said with a mouth full, I look awful. My coworker started laughing because I have this mouth full of food, my hair which is curly wavy is just sticking up, my shirt was inside out. I really ran out the door today and didn't look in a mirror. It was funny.