She "should"? She owes you that? Interesting. The following vomit worthy responses are 100% totally devoid of respect for women, what they've faced in history and in the world today. If you had any respect for yourself and what others read of you on the internet, you would've sat down and done some earnest self reflection and told yourself you're in dire need of an education before you go out and make yourself look so incredibly stupid. Worse still, people actually gullibly influenced by what you've said.
She doesn't mind talking about God vs gives up all things for God, two ends of an extreme.
You really need to be educated about what feminism is and its multi dimensional facets, your comments are incredibly ignorant and dangerous.
That's one of the saddest yet laughable, most ignorant comments I've ever read on this site. I wonder if all the Christ like couples that I know whose marriages expand 20 - 40 years ignore the principles of feminism, like equal rates and equal pay. I wonder if the men said "i hope you're not 'infected' by feminism otherwise that wouldn't be Christ like and that therefore means I couldn't have anything to do with you."
Feminism in today's age has so much more to it than equal rights and equal pay and the society that we live in should be more 'affected' and influenced not 'infected' as you so inappropriately framed it, by feminism. We as woman, have a long way to go in how we're treated by men, the judicial system, by societal attitudes and prejudices and in the work force. I know many women who have had bad experiences at the hands of men, in all those facets. The only thing that I hope for them is that they find those who of the opposite gender and a world that is educated, an advocate for and has an actual informed understanding of feminism and the challenges women face today. That is far more "for God" than anything I've seen in your responses.
I'm sure she'll make an effort to bathe herself properly for you. If she doesn't, you can be standing outside the bathroom door, with a cleansing barometer lecturing her on how Christ like it isn't for her to not meet your clean standards. We wouldn't want her to be 'infected' by feminism and how ungodly that would be.
I know this is from a long time ago but I never replied to Laura...
Yes, she should. That doesn't mean she HAS to. There's a difference. If I want to get in a relationship with a woman, I think
by her own will and our relationship she should respect me. She should see me as a capable leader and G-dly man, respect me in that aspect. If she doesn't then it's probably not a good idea for me to go long term with her (marriage) because she'd have to take my lead and I'd have to rely on her to follow me as-well. Also, yes, I should do my best to be respectable. Respect is usually earned. I'd want to earn it. This isn't something that is forced... It's something that is decided on. She would decide to respect me. She doesn't "owe" me it... unless I earned it or have shown myself worthy of it. I just think it's proper if I'm to lead her in marriage.
No, I'm "educated" both formally and informally. Anyways, a proper education is one from G-d... not academia. If it's truth, wisdom, morals,.... how we ought to live life with fellowman... G-d is the proper educator. That being said, G-d clearly states that husbands are to be the head of the household. Laura, the bottom line truth is... these are not my beliefs... I kid you not that I'd probably see it a completly different way if I wasn't Christian. For starters, I don't see myself as a leader. That's one point. Next, if I wasn't Christian I'd probably go with culture and think that it's okay to have a 50/50 leadership thing in marriage. I honestly probably would think these thoughts but because I am Christian and believe that a G-d that exists. A G-d that has laid down principles for us to follow through then I believe that men should be leaders in the household.
About extremes... two extremes... nothing wrong with being extremely honest, extremely loving, extremely just, extremely humble... nothing wrong with extremes.
I know enough about at least a certain kind of feminist to talk about that kind feminism. I'm against the feminism that promotes divorce, promiscuous behavior from women, husbands not being the head of the family... or anything sinful.
Anything that is unfair against women, I'm against. That's as far as I'd agree with feminism. However, the kind of feminism that promotes sin and disobedience to G-d on a social level I'm against.