I was kidding about the other profiles...
Actually, the things that I posted are slightly embellished reality. I didn't want to make it too similar to myself, so I made up the timeline, but like I said, a lot of the things that I said were true. I am dating my best friend, I am looking for my first house, my accident stories were all true, my family has been paleo forever, I did move to Austin when I was six, and I DO live in San Francisco.
I might also add that I didn't make the alias's because I don't feel like anyone cares about the real me, I just don't want any person on the internet to be able to view private details and struggles of my life and know who I am. I guess that I just got a little carried away! I signed up for an account because I genuinely wanted advice on stuff. I will be back as myself in the near future, but it's time to retire LeonT and California91. They might make an appearance in one of my books someday though
Keep the faith. One thing that was never embellished was my Christianity. I take my faith seriously.