Interesting topic, considering I literally burned my self help books on homosexuality and "coming out of the closet" last night. As an author and lover of books, the idea of destroying a book I didn't agree with has always seemed abhorrent to me. However, I have come to hate my former sin, and those books represented a sinful time of rebellion in my life. (Notice, sin, not person).
There is an argument whether or not homosexuality is inborn. Anyone could pull out articles from the APA, animal studies, etc to argue a case.The argument rests on the assumptions that if it is inborn, then it is natural, and then it cannot be sin. However, we cannot assume that what comes "naturally" to us is not necessarily sin.
"Well why would God make me like that?!"
I don't have all the answers. I do know that we live in a fallen world and darkness abounds in many forms. Although this is harsh, it is true: God is God and we are not. Don't ask why he made you that way, rather, ask how you can submit to Him. He is the Almighty and he "knows the plans he has" for us. His plans are for good. However, our own darkness and desire for sin can get in the way. Don't let a desire of the flesh inhibit your relationship with God.
And it isn't just people with homosexual tendencies who are to behave, it's heterosexual people too! We're not to look at anyone lustfully, have sexual relations before marriage, among other things.
So to anyone reading this who is battling with this sin, know that you are loved. YOU are loved. YOU are wanted and beloved by God and he is knocking at the door of your heart. I know you feel like this is a part of who you are and therefore--how can you separate yourself from it? The answer lies in fully submitting to God. Tell God that you want to honor him and do what He commands and that the bible teaches this is sinful. Tell Him you want a right relationship with him, and confess that you can't do it on your own.
For me, God has not made me a heterosexual overnight. It started with a removal of desire. It was not an easy process, but I encourage you to reach out to Him and be honest with Him. My goodness, He knows what you're thinking anyway, at least let Him help.
YOU are not alone, YOU are loved, there IS hope within the darkness and I pray that anyone who struggles and is reading this be encouraged, uplifted, and willing to submit to God.
Free To Struggle