Also catching the end of the thread!
Lynn, I think you have answered your own question. Physiological depression needs a physiological response.
Please talk to your family doctor about starting an antidepressant. Most GPS will prescribe an AD because it is so common. My husband has seen a psychiatrist twice for his major depression, and one gave him an AD, the other did nothing. When he got worse, I told his family doctor what he needed, he prescribed it, and he has been mostly stable ever since! (He added another branch of drugs)
The reason it is so important to get on an AD immediately, is because the longer you wait, the harder it is for the neurotransmitters in the brain to come back to normal. A year of depression will require a year of meds to get back to normal. Two years depression can take 3 or 4 years to get back to normal. Five years of depression can require 10 years or more. After that, the brain doesn't recover, and ADs are required forever. That is my husband, who was in an avalanche with his dad skiing when he was 15. His father died, but my husband survived. No grief counselling, overwhelming survivor's guilt! He never told a soul how he was feeling. The 4th year we were together, he took a turn for the worse, because of the added stress of owning our own home. The symptoms were obvious, but I knew nothing about depression. Fifteen years later a family doctor figured it out on his rare office visits, but hubby thought depression was a weakness in his Christian walk, not an identifiable disease of the brain. Ten years after that, he finally got on ADs. He noticed an immediate effect on his well being. But it is permanent!
See your doctor, share what you said here about the crying and what you have been through. There are some 20 or more kinds of ADs these days, they affect people differently. So don't panic if the first few don't work. (I would stay away from Effexor! My mom was on it, and several other people I know. They all said that it became ineffective rapidly, but was extremely addictive. You don't want to go down that road!)